There are a number of ways to embed YouTube videos into a post for this site. First and foremost, you can simply add the URL for the video: “”, for example. But this doesn’t allow you to customize anything. In order to get a video that isn’t too large for this blog, or to add a border, or so on, click on the “Embed” button below the video (found when viewed on itself), and customize the video until it is just how you want it. Then copy the HTML code and return to writing your post. Switch, however, from the “Visual” view to the “HTML” view. Then paste the code wherever you want the video to show up in your post–I pasted mine at the beginning.
This is a clip from the Season 4 finale of Big Love, an episode titled “End of Days.” The clip is the most explicit reference to that concept in the entire episode–a 15-second scene in which what will happen during the end times is being told to a child in a fundamentalist Mormon household–almost as if it were a nursery rhyme or bedtime story.