This is the site for Prof. Lee Quinby’s Fall 2010 Doomsday course. If you are a student in the course, and you already have an ePortfolio account, use the “Join This Site” box at the right to add yourself to this site. Contact Lindsey (your super friendly ITF!) for the password for doing so.
If you are a student in the course who is using our ePortfolio system for the first time, welcome! You need to set up an account for this system before you can join our particular course site. Visit this page, and click on the “Build Your ePortfolio Now” link at the right. If you would like to build a personal site (you’re welcome to do so!) in addition to joining the class site, choose the “gimme an ePortfolio” option when joining. Otherwise, get yourself a login only. Lindsey has the password for this sign-up system; e-mail her if you need it.
Important Pieces of Information!
- If you are not familiar with how to write posts, come see Lindsey during office hours right away.
- Please make sure to CATEGORIZE your weekly posts. When you write a post, there’s a “Categories” box at the right. Uncheck “Uncategorized” on each post you write, and make absolutely certain to check off two categories instead: your name (this feature will be added shortly) and the date of the class for which you are writing a reflection. Doing this will add your posts to our navigation system (above) and make your work easier for the rest of the class, as well as Prof. Quinby, to find. Not doing this means you miss out on the conversation!
- The required readings page is password-protected. Lindsey has the password and will give it out in class–contact her if you forget it.
- Tag your posts. There is a “Tags” box directly below the “Categories” section at the right. Adding tags to your post will allow us to access our work thematically. Tags will show up in the “cloud” at right on the front end of the site. That cloud will grow and change over the course of the semester.
- In addition to posting and categorizing your responses and projects for this course, feel free to post links and events and whatnot!
If you have questions about ePortfolios in general, the course site in particular, or anything about your Macbook, feel free to drop by Lindsey’s office hours (visible at right). Hello, and welcome to the technical side of Doomsday 2010!