Category Archives: Grecia Huesca

Even in the End, War is the way to go.

The plot of a Glorious Appearing follows the events of the book of Revelation step by step; including seven years of tribulation, the battle of Christ vs. Antichrist, and Lucifer’s 1000-year grace period before the final battle. What I found … Continue reading

Posted in Grecia Huesca, October, October 12 | Leave a comment

God doesn’t care if the End is near

Little Boy and Fat Man were the nicknames of the two bombs dropped during World War II, and they stopped time on clock later found. In Watchmen, a little boy is near Jon and Janey when a fat man steps … Continue reading

Posted in Grecia Huesca, October, October 5 | 1 Comment

September 26th Rosen and Kermode

In Frank Kermode’s The End, there is one particular passage that caught my attention. Kermode wrote: “We may be sure that the failure of 1964, or even so far of 1965, to produce atomic war and the burning of Paris … Continue reading

Posted in Grecia Huesca, September, September 28 | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Finishing Kirsch

As a skeptic of all apocalyptic theories, I enjoyed finishing Kirsch’s book because he is a skeptic himself. Reading about this subject through another skeptic’s eyes make it more comfortable for me because he explores the book of Revelation- a … Continue reading

Posted in Grecia Huesca, September, September 21 | 1 Comment

September 12th “Knowing”

“Knowing” (2009) Directed by Alex Proyas Prophecy in the 21st century has become the center of many End-of-the-World theories and movies made for entertainment rather than to warn humanity. In 1959, a disturbed girl name Lucinda places a white sheet … Continue reading

Posted in Grecia Huesca, September, September 14 | 5 Comments