Category Archives: November

Spiralling Towards Darkness, and then, Light

The first time I finished The Road, I was on an airplane.  The juxtaposition of my own surroundings and the solemn oppressiveness that McCarthy so eloquently presents in his novel were, at the time, quite disorienting.  Mostly, the novel’s conclusion … Continue reading

Posted in Mac Warren, November, November 16 | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Redemption For Some, A Savior To The Others

After reading my entry from last week (technically as I’m posting this, it was this week), readers will be glad to know that I have few complaints, if any, about the last half of the book.  If anything, I was … Continue reading

Posted in Jon Rossi, November, November 16 | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

On ‘The Road’

Gone is the horror and the majesty.  Gone are the four Horsemen and two great beasts.  Gone, too, are the Woman and the Son, and the Tower and the Wicked one.  In Cormac McCarthy’s novel of the end of the … Continue reading

Posted in November, November 9, Sam Barnes | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

The Road

The Road is one of the most depressing books I have ever began to read. Hope only lives in the father, who hopes of reaching the coast and a warmer climate where he can show his son the world he … Continue reading

Posted in Grecia Huesca, November, November 9 | Leave a comment

The Nihilism of a Post-Apocalyptic World

I’m not sure if its because it gets darker earlier now (due to DST), or because it was under 40 degrees tonight, but reading the road left me chilled to the bone. About halfway through our assignment of the first … Continue reading

Posted in Andreas Apostolopoulos, November, November 9 | Leave a comment