Category Archives: November

Ending With a Whimper, Not a Bang

“The clocks stopped at 1:17.  A long shear of light and then a series of low concussions.  He got up and went to the window.  What is it?  she said.  He didn’t answer.  He went into the bathroom and threw … Continue reading

Posted in Mac Warren, November, November 9 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Banality. Conversation Without Quotes. Unexplained endings.

I’m sitting here listening to Omar Khairat, an Egyptian composer, because it’s the only lyric-less music I can think of that I have on my computer, and it’s very conducive to doing homework.  But that’s neither here nor there with … Continue reading

Posted in Jon Rossi, November, November 9 | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Paranoia in the age of rising bullying

All of the readings on paranoia and it’s link to humiliation were very interesting, but I think that Muesnter and Lotto’s essay brought it all together. The language was more manageable and it’s clarity made me understand it more. The … Continue reading

Posted in Grecia Huesca, November, November 2 | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Star Trek Fundamentalism

“The true Kingdom of God – the real physical Kingdom of Heaven – the Evolutionary Level Above Human – are completely synonymous. As a genderless Kingdom, it “reproduces” or adds to its Kingdom membership through the use of this metamorphic … Continue reading

Posted in Andreas Apostolopoulos, November, November 2 | 1 Comment

The Prevalence of Paranoia

Out of this week’s readings, I found Bettina Muenster and David Lott’s “The Social Psychology of Humiliation and Revenge” to be the most engaging and insightful.  Instead of relying on hyper-theoretical language that cannot be proved empirically, the duo focuses … Continue reading

Posted in Mac Warren, November, November 2 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment