Category Archives: October

God doesn’t care if the End is near

Little Boy and Fat Man were the nicknames of the two bombs dropped during World War II, and they stopped time on clock later found. In Watchmen, a little boy is near Jon and Janey when a fat man steps … Continue reading

Posted in Grecia Huesca, October, October 5 | 1 Comment

questionable deities

Hi everyone, This is quite an enticing and engaged series of responses. I have pasted in, below, sections from each of your posts because they stood out as key points that I hope prompt further discussion in class. Sam and … Continue reading

Posted in Lee Quinby, October, October 5 | Leave a comment

Ticking Towards Midnight

When we examine the West’s history through a certain self-reflective lens, the apocalypse seems to loom in cycles.  We as a people recognize ourselves standing before the abyss, and either step back in moderation or step out to take the … Continue reading

Posted in October, October 5, Sam Barnes | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

The Lingering Power of Watchmen

I first read Alan Moore’s Watchmen three years ago – at the time, it was a profoundly effective piece of media, and from my experience, it defied categorization as a work of fiction based on the its innate tactile and visual … Continue reading

Posted in Mac Warren, October, October 5 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Red Assaults & Comic Gems

In a lot of ways, Watchmen was a hugely satisfying book.  Before getting to the serious writing, however, let me address the silly end of the spectrum. You see, for years in high school I (mostly) jokingly believed that every … Continue reading

Posted in Jon Rossi, October, October 5 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment