Tag Archives: bruce springsteen

Final Paper & Creative Project Proposal

As I near the close of my senior year, it’s becoming increasingly necessary for me to focus on my Honors Thesis.  By now I’ve known what I would write about for a year or so – Bruce Springsteen, but to … Continue reading

Posted in Jon Rossi, October, October 26, Project Statements | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Musical Doomsday

Please forgive me, folks, because I know I’m about to take a very non-conventional approach to this assignment.  Or perhaps it’s not that unconventional; it’s just not to the letter of the assignment.  You see, I did not get to … Continue reading

Posted in Jon Rossi, September, September 14 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments