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Lophophora williamsii is also called a peyote. It is a small, spineless cactus found in southern Texas and northern Mexico. It contains mescaline and hordenine. Peyote has small disc-shaped buttons that grow on top of the roots. People harvest these buttons and roll them into balls to keep in capsules, grind as powder or serve in hot tea. Ingesting the drug would cause hallucinogenic effect like alteration of perception, muscle tension, nausea, and vomiting. Because of this, sale and production of peyote for recreational use is illegal. Mescaline, as mentioned earlier, is the main psychoactive compound found in peyote. This is a naturally occurring alkaloid that can activate serotonin receptor and stimulate dopamine receptors. Other than the hallucination effects, peyote has been used to treat fever, joint pain, paralysis, fractures, wounds and snakebites.
