From the syllabus:

PMMOPs are short presentation assignments on plants, microorganisms, and marine organisms. You will choose from a list of organisms distributed during class. Your presentation needs to show: (a) a picture of organism, (b) the origin of the organism, (c) show which part(s) of the organism is most active, (d) identify the molecule causing biological activity, (e) medical value, (f) mechanism of action, (g) side effects, and (h) drugs/therapies that derive from the organism and are commercially available.

Remember, this presentation is about 10 minutes long. You need to show an image during your presentation; you can just use the image from your blog post, or you can prepare a PowerPoint/Prezi if you like. If you want assistance or have questions about creating a PowerPoint or Prezi, please visit Jake during office hours, ask him a question via email, or contact him to meet outside of office hours.

Here is a sample presentation from last year.

For Wednesday 10/18:

Create a blog post using the category “PMMOP” with a picture of the organism embedded, with its title as the Latin name of your species, and a short paragraph that indicates its common name, its place of origin, and the molecule that has the specific biological/medicinal effect. Write this paragraph in prose. 

For Wednesday 10/25:

Presentations. A third of the class will present today, but everyone should be prepared to go today. Your presentation should be no more than 10 minutes (practice it! time it!) and you can either speak from notes or read the writing from your blog post, whichever you feel more comfortable doing.

Be sure you address all eight requirements listed on the syllabus. Your presentation must use at least 1 peer-reviewed article as a source. You may also want to add other information that you believe is important from the articles you read, or provide your own assessment of any newsworthy issues (if you do this, focus on assessments made from the evidence presented, not about your personal feelings or conjectures. Think like a scientist!).