The intersections between art, business, and advertising is one that has more benefits than it does downfalls. I liked the way the articles highlighted the transcendence of skills in regards to art in the world of business and advertising. Blurring the lines between art and advertising paves a way for a more artistic marketplace as well as for more employment opportunities for artists and advertisers alike. To me, the blurred line between art and advertising is a positive aspect of more modern advertisements and reminded me of the goals of my friends who are pursuing art or graphic design. It is interesting to see a real-world professional application of art that transcends freelance artists. In addition, I found it interesting to hear the personal anecdotes of Glenn O’Brien in his article Like Art as well as the anecdotes in the article On Business. However, the intersection of art, advertisement, and business can be dangerous as corporations gained a larger influence after the supreme court case of citizens united. When it comes to corporate power, the intersection of art, advertisement, and business could be used to deceive consumers and voters– making this intersection perhaps more dangerous than expected. That being said, the problem does not lie with the transcendence of art into fields such as business and advertising, rather the problem is the role of big business in the personal and financial lives of lawmakers and Washington politics.