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Filed Under (HTC10-11, Uncategorized) by on 13-12-2010

Allan, Robin. Walt Disney and Europe: European Influences on the Animated Feature Films of Walt Disney. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1999. Print. Robin Allan’s book discusses Walt Disney’s animated fairy tales as being profoundly influenced by European culture and European folktales. He cites many of the well-known animated tales such as Cinderella and Snow White and […]

Filed Under (HTC10-11, Uncategorized) by on 05-10-2010

Research Question: How do the peaks in the evolution of Fairy Tales show their fairy tale interpretations to be a reflection of the social context in which they are created? There are many sources out there dealing with fairy tales and the settings in which they were written. Since I’m coming into this topic wholly […]

Filed Under (HTC10-11) by on 05-10-2010

As a double major in Biology and Philosophy it is no surprise that I have had the longest and most through exposure to material pertaining to these two areas of study. Biology, to me, has always been about memorization and philosophy, about contemplation. In many cases, philosophy has no specific answers and this is where […]