Everything originated from Greece


Astoria has a lot of government offices that help with the need of the individuals, in this case the Greek community. Some of these organizations are:

  • HANAC (Hellenic American Action Committee)1

This non-profit organization was founded in 1972 by George Douris to assist the large number of immigrants that were settling in the Astoria community of Queens. Although the majority of these immigrants were from Greece, HANAC was committed to serve all newly arriving immigrants who needed assistance. At the time, George Douris was working for the Long Island Press, and he was friends with the mayor John Lindsay from who he got a grant for 75,000. With this money George Douris decided to hired staff and start working on the needs of the community in Astoria. Today, the HANAC specializes in helping new immigrants learn English through the ESL program, they also provide help with job placement, social support, substance abuse and counseling, and other naturalizing services. This organization also assists people in getting interpreters for court

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  • The Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater NY2

On August 12, 1938, this Federation was officially incorporated by an approval of the Division of Corporations of the State of New York as a not-for-profit organization. Proud of its American consciousness, the Federation has promoted awareness programs in the Greek Community, on the American Political System, voter registration drives, and countless lectures by American Officials on the latest immigration laws. Its accordance with the Community on large is further strengthened by its support of the Columbus Day Nationalities Parade, and by the invitation of local officials to speak at its offices on various local concerns.The annual Greek Independence Day Parade along Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue has become a New York City traditional event, attracting a great number of New York spectators. Their current activities include creating programs or career awareness for Greeks in Astoria and also raising funds to build and athletic and community center for Greeks in the community.

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  • American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA)3

The AHEPA was founded as a fraternity in Atlanta, Georgia in July 1922. Its initial mission was to promote the image of Greeks in America, assist them with citizenship and assimilation into American culture, and combat prejudice. Today, Its mission is to support Greek-American charities, causes, and communities. It works closely with the Greek Orthodox Church. It supports two youth groups, the Sons of Pericles (established in 1926) and the Maids of Athena (1930).



  • Pontion Society Komninoi4

This organization was founded around the mid 1960s by Dr. George Efthimiades. He was very loved among the potian immigrants. Their mission is to preserve the heritage that was pass down from generation to generation, such as culture, language, and education. Today, this society is a place for Greek men to get together, drink coffee, play backgammon, and share the news from the old country. For more information see check our page.





The Greek American Retirement Club is found in Astoria, Queens. This retirement club also serves the purpse of a kafenio. It is a Greek social club open to members only that serves to the Greek retirees of the community. There are more than 100 social clubs in the neighborhood. Most of the men that hold membership to these clubs are from a home island like Corfu or Mykonos. These social clubs are Spartan in their layout. Traditionally a coffee house, men also gamble, drink, eat dinner, or smoke here. The Retirement Serves as a place to gather and in turn, most of the men have known each other for years. Women are usually discouraged from kafenios; this tradition carried to the U.S. from Greece. However, this is acceptable to women since they are well aware of where there husbands are and the men that frequent the social club. The first weekend after Orthodox Easter, families are invited to these social clubs for dinner.



1 Comment

  1. Iris De Vita

    Hi! I am wondering if you are interested in putting a group together of 15 or more (or anyone can go; as many people can go) to see MAN OF GOD about St. Nektarios of Aegina.
    The movie begins this Friday, June 24-June 30 (for one week) at Cinema Arts Centre in Huntington. Please reach out to me by phone or email for more information. My cell number is: 631-223-6334. Thanks so much! ~Iris (Aristea)

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