There is a great variety among the people of Astoria. The neighborhood is known for including people of diverse ancestries. (Ancestries below .9 percent have been omitted below.)

mouseover text is fun!

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There are a few interesting trends to note when the above data is compared to the Census data from 1990. First of all, the percentage of Greek ancestry has gone down from 10% in 1990 to 7.4% in 2011. Second, “racial/Hispanic” groups used to be all lumped together, as well as all “Arab” groups. In the modern Census there are more specific distinctions between nationalities, including those of Hispanic and Arab countries.

funnnnn stuff right here.

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Even when these ancestries are lumped together into races, we can see that Astoria is home to a diverse community. Though there is a white majority, there are large populations of Asians, blacks, Native Americans, mixed-race individuals and those of other races in the Astoria.

The population was different two decades ago: whites comprised 71.2% of the community. It is also interesting to note that there are significantly more Asians in Astoria today than there were in 1990.

The graph below features the population counts of some of the groups we discussed in class. For example, there were 2514 self-reported Brazilians in Astoria as of the most recent census taking.

i'm super hungry. shoutout to lawrenzo.