Bushwick Demographics

Bushiwck, located in Brooklyn, is identified by the zip code 11221. It is surrounded by Bed-Stuy to the south, Ridegewood, Queens to the north, Williamsburg to the west and East New York to the East.

The current population of this neighborhood as of 2009 (last recorded data) is approximately 104,358.  The female population of the area is 24,763 (53.42%) and the male population is 21,588 (46.57%). They almost balance each other out, being slightly different from a 50-50 break.  The neighborhood consists of mostly Latinos from either Puerto Rico or Dominican Republic, but as of recent years, there has been a slight increase in native-born Americans residing here.

The marital status of the people in the neighborhood is as follows. Approximately, (as last recorded in 2007), 9.765 people are married. Another 18,848 are title ‘never married’.


The neighborhoods median household income in 2008, was approximately $28,802. Of the population, 32% of the households fall under the poverty line. This makes Bushwich the 7th poorest neighborhood in NYC. About 75% of the children are born into poverty in this neighborhood.  Along with this, only 40.3% of the students can read at grade level, making it the 49th most illiterate neighborhood in NYC.  Because of this, crime in this neighborhood is quite high as well making it the 25th, out of 55, most felonious community in the city.

Despite having a poor state, this neighborhood is very culturally dense. As mentioned before, the biggest nationality in the neighborhood is Latinos coming from both Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic.  Many businesses in the neighborhood are owned by these Hispanics to support their various cultural goods and traditions. They keep their culture alive by opening these shops, food stops, etc. The neighborhoods major commercial streets are Myrtle Avenue, and Broadway Avenue.

Bushwick, Brooklyn is quite the lively neighborhood. There’s a mix of many cultures here and you can see traditions and people clash here. While walking through the neighborhood, you’re exposed to all of this. Though it retains a poor image, Bushwick has potential to be a great neighborhood. Maybe in the years, after some improvement the neighborhood can gain a positive image.