Date: 11/15/2015
Chairs: Drew Adair, Chris Daversa, Sara Louie
Scribe: Ariella Trotsenko
- Club Updates
- Macaulay Business Club
- Just had a Marketing Industry Overview event
- Upcoming events- Internal workshop (how to make a good linkedin profile), entrepreneurship event, and December 8th Annual Conference with 40 professionals
- Macaulay Chamber Music Society
- Currently preparing for their concert on December 4th
- General overview of the club- musicians gather in small groups and play together; different than bands/orchestra because they’re small and more communication is involved between members. Most groups are trios + duets.
- The club, as well as many other performing clubs, would like benefit from the a purchase of an electronic keyboard
- Macaulay is actually in the works of purchasing keyboards and getting rid of the piano in cabaret
- Macaulay Creative Writing Club
- Next event- December 12th Poetry Slam (free + refreshments)
- Deadline for submitting to 67th street scribe is November 20th
- Macaulay Dancers
- Held a hip hop and tap workshop
- Competition team has been rehearsing for their competition in April
- John Jay= great space for rehearsal!
- Bollywood team will be performing on 11/22
- Send Drew/Chris a blurb about upcoming performances if you want it on Macaulay Monday
- Macaulay Honors College Debate Society
- Just had their NASA Debate
- Involved in intercollegiate competition w CUNY
- Going to Fordham to compete this weekend
- Working to get a greater Macaulay involvement
- Macaulay Games Society
- Had their 1st event in October
- Hoping to have another one first week of December
- Looking for a graphic designer to help create a logo
- Macaulay Gastronomy Club
- Absent
- Macaulay Gender Equality Club
- Absent
- Macaulay Global Brigades
- Applications for membership were due 11/14; interviews will be conducted this week
- Cookie Decorating competition w/Gastronomy Club
- Another event with Karaoke soon
- Macaulay Habitat for Humanity
- 2 builds in October- both with large turnouts
- Upcoming build 12/5 9am-4pm; details will follow soon
- Hillel
- Planning a first Macaulay Hanukkah night → dreidels, Hannukah food, music played by Chamber Music Society
- Humans of Macaulay
- 2 events; winter summit & quiz bowl
- Trying to recruit more people to interview for CSI & City
- Introducing faculty pictures and stories from all 8 campuses
- Mabuhay: Filipino Culture Club at Macaulay
- Absent
- Macaulay Marauders Quidditch Team
- Did not make world cup
- Will continue to compete at local tournaments
- MATHaulay: Macaulay Math Club
- Math of Wall Street event went well- good turnout
- Math Symposium next Sunday with 4 speakers
- Macaulay Messenger Online Newsletter
- New deadline on 11/30, that edition will be up by the week after
- Macaulay Musician’s Collective
- Macaulay Photography Club
- Facebook + Flickr up and running. Posting pics with their monthly theme
- If you have submissions, email
- Trip coming up to the highline and whitney museum
- Macaulay Pre-Health Professions Club
- Going to Brooklyn Law school on 11/21
- Macaulay Pre-Law Club
- Absent
- Pied Filmmakers Collective
- Psychology Club at Macaulay
- Inside Out Movie Screening on 11/20
- South Asian Health & Development Initiative
- Indian food workshop coming up
- Few projects with South Asian countries
- Hoping to have a box that can stay at Macaulay so they can collect supplies→ email Drew/Chris to set that up
- Macaulay S.P.A.R.K.: Students Partnering and Reaching Kids
- Absent
- Macaulay Theater Club
- Just had their fall production Putnam County Spelling Bee
- In the works of planning a spring showcase- more updates to come
- Macaulay Triplets A Cappella Group
- Sang at global brigades fall event and yesterday with NYU + Columbia @NYU
- Upcoming sings- singing at TedxCUNY, 11/21 a cappella event
- Will be performing some christmas gigs at the Botanical Gardens
- List of participants for their national contest (in January) will be announced soon
- Macaulay Venture Club
- Absent
- Macaulay YES: Youth Events for Seniors
- Absent
- Macaulay Business Club
- Administrative Updates from Drew and Chris
- Bryant Park Ice skating- last day of finals. typically done from 3-5… let know of time change so we can make reservations
- Able to get Columbia’s school of health 12/11 1pm-2:30pm→ for pre-health club, touch base in terms of working with them. talks about graduate programs and such
- Working with Kaplan and Princeton Review for graduate event 12/14
- 12/15 finals exam wellness week (dogs, healthy snacks, free massages)→ will touch base with psychology club
- CUNY Film Festival 4/16/16
- 2/18 film submission deadline
- More info on that to come
- TEDxCUNY (11/20) Updates
- 20 speakers set to speak
- During the breaks, attendees can visit the interactive art exhibit, bone density testing station, and some other cool workshops
- Live streaming parties to 9 cuny campuses will be set
- Expecting 50-75 attendees for the live streams
- for all information
- If tickets are sold out, email Jake-
- Macaulay Triplets will open with their performance
- Sessions broken up into 9am-11am, 1130am-1pm, 2am-330pm, 4am-530pm
- Arts Nights
- Building a Macaulay Art Tank
- Building online art resource for people in macaulay
- Online art gallery
- Club Macaulay- only 4 clubs left to register
- Place to put events up- it will show on the calendar
- Submit budgets here too
- Review club budget workflow (please review pdf for budget approvals to go forward with spending your money)
- Global Politics Society
- No community for Macaulay to talk about politics and have events about political issues
- Not intended for debate; more of an open forum with speakers→ events such as jeopardy, q&a sessions with speakers
- Club approve- all in favor
- Club Updates
- Baruch: Opportunities Fund approval problems
- Brooklyn: possible problems with advisors but no real problems yet
- Hunter: 1) people are mad about tuition policy change- took away $400 merit scholarship. 2) Is Macaulay administering any trips in the summer? 3) Unstandardized seminar classes across all 8 campuses is a big problem
- City: 1) City honors council is planning a las vegas games night and Thanksgiving potluck night. 2) budget cuts rally was held on Thursday on campus.
- CSI: Recent debate hosted on CSI campus (good PR), goldwater scholar on campus
- John Jay
- Lehman: international food festival coming up
- Queens: Made a calendar to connect Queens college events + Macaulay events
- Candlelight Ceremony for all the international problems that happened 11/13
- Sharon will spearhead the event with Ariella for social media help
- Use Macaulay directors for help & individual student governments on campus
- Where to hold? Each individual campus vs in central park
- General Updates
- Join FB group!
- Macaulay Formal→ moved to MHC (debate with venue being City College)
- Promote google form to find out which details need to be finalized (ex. location, free vs not free)
- Curriculum Committee:
- Should the GPA requirement be changed from 3.5 → 3.3?
- Are people not taking Macaulay classes because they feel like they won’t be able to keep the gpa requirement?
- New classes at Macaulay?
- Business
- Computer Science
- More interdisciplinary courses
- Issue about how the class would show on someone’s transcript
- Ice skating in Bryant Park- no final time has been set, can be anywhere between 12pm-8pm
- Communication with Macaulay and Macaulay campus faculty
- Macaulay Monday: general information there
- Seminar professor asked what Macaulay is in class
- Advisors don’t really know what’s going on
- Info shared from campus advisors is only campus based
- Vote on Finance Budget
- Budgets were dependant on many factors like: number of members and event-goers, impact like traveling and competing vs having general meetings at Macaulay. Also looked at the resources Macaulay can already provide
- Committee who decided this was: Holden S, Sara L, Nicolette H, Anthony M
- Clubs can request additional funding too if it comes down to it
- VP of Community Service
- New VP will be Rabia M- 16 approved votes, 0 not in favor
- Council Updates
- Apparel and board outing→ due to time constraints, this update will be emailed by President Sara
- Use your MHC email for any Scholars Council related work
- Keep the Macaulay spirit- when we have events, promote them personally! Keep getting students involved
- Expectations; if you’re going to miss a meeting, email Chris, Drew, AND Sara
- If you miss more than 2, you may be taken off the council
- Increase MHC spirit with more apparel; we can hold a design competition for new logo?