Date: 11/15/2015
Chairs: Drew Adair, Chris Daversa,  Sara Louie
Scribe: Ariella Trotsenko 

  1. Club Updates
      1. Macaulay Business Club
        1. Just had a Marketing Industry Overview event
        2. Upcoming events- Internal workshop (how to make a good linkedin profile), entrepreneurship event, and December 8th Annual Conference with 40 professionals
      2. Macaulay Chamber Music Society
        1. Currently preparing for their concert on December 4th
        2. General overview of the club- musicians gather in small groups and play together; different than bands/orchestra because they’re small and more communication is involved between members. Most groups are trios + duets.
        3. The club, as well as many other performing clubs, would like benefit from the a purchase of an electronic keyboard
          1. Macaulay is actually in the works of purchasing keyboards and getting rid of the piano in cabaret
      3. Macaulay Creative Writing Club
        1. Next event- December 12th Poetry Slam (free + refreshments)
        2. Deadline for submitting to 67th street scribe is November 20th
      4. Macaulay Dancers
        1. Held a hip hop and tap workshop
        2. Competition team has been rehearsing for their competition in April
        3. John Jay= great space for rehearsal!
        4. Bollywood team will be performing on 11/22
        5. Send Drew/Chris a blurb about upcoming performances if you want it on Macaulay Monday
      5. Macaulay Honors College Debate Society
        1. Just had their NASA Debate  
        2. Involved in intercollegiate competition w CUNY
        3. Going to Fordham to compete this weekend
        4. Working to get a greater Macaulay involvement
      6. Macaulay Games Society
        1. Had their 1st event in October
        2. Hoping to have another one first week of December
        3. Looking for a graphic designer to help create a logo
      7. Macaulay Gastronomy Club
        1. Absent
      8. Macaulay Gender Equality Club
        1. Absent
      9. Macaulay Global Brigades
        1. Applications for membership were due 11/14; interviews will be conducted this week
        2. Cookie Decorating competition w/Gastronomy Club
        3. Another event with Karaoke soon
      10. Macaulay Habitat for Humanity
        1. 2 builds in October- both with large turnouts
        2. Upcoming build 12/5 9am-4pm; details will follow soon
      11. Hillel
        1. Planning a first Macaulay Hanukkah night → dreidels, Hannukah food, music played by Chamber Music Society
      12. Humans of Macaulay
        1. 2 events; winter summit & quiz bowl
        2. Trying to recruit more people to interview for CSI & City
        3. Introducing faculty pictures and stories  from all 8 campuses
      13. Mabuhay: Filipino Culture Club at Macaulay
        1. Absent
      14. Macaulay Marauders Quidditch Team
        1. Did not make world cup
        2. Will continue to compete at local tournaments
      15. MATHaulay: Macaulay Math Club
        1. Math of Wall Street event went well- good turnout
        2. Math Symposium next Sunday with 4 speakers
      16. Macaulay Messenger Online Newsletter
        1. New deadline on 11/30, that edition will be up by the week after
      17. Macaulay Musician’s Collective
      18. Macaulay Photography Club
        1. Facebook + Flickr up and running. Posting pics with their monthly theme
        2. If you have submissions, email
        3. Trip coming up to the highline and whitney museum
      19. Macaulay Pre-Health Professions Club
        1. Going to Brooklyn Law school on 11/21
      20. Macaulay Pre-Law Club
        1. Absent
      21. Pied Filmmakers Collective
      22. Psychology Club at Macaulay
        1. Inside Out Movie Screening on 11/20
      23. South Asian Health & Development Initiative
        1. Indian food workshop coming up
        2. Few projects with South Asian countries
          1. Hoping to have a box that can stay at Macaulay so they can collect supplies→ email Drew/Chris to set that up
      24. Macaulay S.P.A.R.K.: Students Partnering and Reaching Kids
        1. Absent
      25. Macaulay Theater Club
        1. Just had their fall production Putnam County Spelling Bee
        2. In the works of planning a spring showcase- more updates to come
      26. Macaulay Triplets A Cappella Group
        1. Sang at global brigades fall event and yesterday with NYU + Columbia @NYU
        2. Upcoming sings- singing at TedxCUNY, 11/21 a cappella event
        3. Will be performing some christmas gigs at the Botanical Gardens
        4. List of participants for their national contest (in January) will be announced soon
      27. Macaulay Venture Club
        1. Absent
      28. Macaulay YES: Youth Events for Seniors
        1. Absent
  2. Administrative Updates from Drew and Chris
    1. Bryant Park Ice skating- last day of finals. typically done from 3-5… let know of time change so we can make reservations
    2. Able to get Columbia’s school of health 12/11 1pm-2:30pm→ for pre-health club, touch base in terms of working with them. talks about graduate programs and such
    3. Working with Kaplan and Princeton Review for graduate event 12/14
    4. 12/15 finals exam wellness week (dogs, healthy snacks, free massages)→ will touch base with psychology club
    5. CUNY Film Festival 4/16/16
      1. 2/18 film submission deadline
      2. More info on that to come
  3. TEDxCUNY (11/20) Updates
    1. 20 speakers set to speak
    2. During the breaks, attendees can visit the interactive art exhibit, bone density testing station, and some other cool workshops
    3. Live streaming parties to 9 cuny campuses will be set
      1. Expecting 50-75 attendees for the live streams
    4. for all information
    5. If tickets are sold out, email Jake-
    6. Macaulay Triplets will open with their performance
    7. Sessions broken up into 9am-11am, 1130am-1pm, 2am-330pm, 4am-530pm
  4. Arts Nights
    1. Building a Macaulay Art Tank
    2. Building online art resource for people in macaulay
      1. Online art gallery
  5. Club Macaulay- only 4 clubs left to register
    1. Place to put events up- it will show on the calendar
    2. Submit budgets here too
    3. Review club budget workflow (please review pdf for budget approvals to go forward with spending your money)
  6. Global Politics Society
    1. No community for Macaulay to talk about politics and have events about political issues
    2. Not intended for debate; more of an open forum with speakers→ events such as jeopardy, q&a sessions with speakers
    3. Club approve- all in favor
  7. Club Updates
    1. Baruch: Opportunities Fund approval problems
    2. Brooklyn: possible problems with advisors but no real problems yet
    3. Hunter: 1) people are mad about tuition policy change- took away $400 merit scholarship. 2) Is Macaulay administering any trips in the summer? 3) Unstandardized seminar classes across all 8 campuses is a big problem
    4. City: 1) City honors council is planning a las vegas games night and Thanksgiving potluck night. 2) budget cuts rally was held on Thursday on campus.
    5. CSI: Recent debate hosted on CSI campus (good PR), goldwater scholar on campus
    6. John Jay
    7. Lehman: international food festival coming up
    8. Queens: Made a calendar to connect Queens college events + Macaulay events
  8. Candlelight Ceremony for all the international problems that happened 11/13
    1. Sharon will spearhead the event with Ariella for social media help
    2. Use Macaulay directors for help & individual student governments on campus
    3. Where to hold? Each individual campus vs in central park
  9. General Updates
    1. Join FB group!
    2. Macaulay Formal→ moved to MHC (debate with venue being City College)
      1. Promote google form to find out which details need to be finalized (ex. location, free vs not free)
    3. Curriculum Committee:
      1. Should the GPA requirement be changed from 3.5 → 3.3?
      2. Are people not taking Macaulay classes because they feel like they won’t be able to keep the gpa requirement?
      3. New classes at Macaulay?
        1. Business
        2. Computer Science
        3. More interdisciplinary courses
      4. Issue about how the class would show on someone’s transcript
    4. Ice skating in Bryant Park- no final time has been set, can be anywhere between 12pm-8pm
  10. Communication with Macaulay and Macaulay campus faculty
    1. Macaulay Monday: general information there
    2. Seminar professor asked what Macaulay is in class
    3. Advisors don’t really know what’s going on
    4. Info shared from campus advisors is only campus based
  11. Vote on Finance Budget
    1. Budgets were dependant on many factors like: number of members and event-goers, impact like traveling and competing vs having general meetings at Macaulay. Also looked at the resources Macaulay can already provide
    2. Committee who decided this was: Holden S, Sara L, Nicolette H, Anthony M
    3. Clubs can request additional funding too if it comes down to it
  12. VP of Community Service
    1. New VP will be Rabia M- 16 approved votes, 0 not in favor
  13. Council Updates
    1. Apparel and board outing→ due to time constraints, this update will be emailed by President Sara
    2. Use your MHC email for any Scholars Council related work
    3. Keep the Macaulay spirit- when we have events, promote them personally! Keep getting students involved
    4. Expectations; if you’re going to miss a meeting, email Chris, Drew, AND Sara
      1. If you miss more than 2, you may be taken off the council
    5. Increase MHC spirit with more apparel; we can hold a design competition for new logo?