Goldwater Scholars Spotlight

Goldwater Scholars Spotlight

By: Vickie Savvides and Christine Hirt

After receiving a nomination by her Macaulay advisor, Tamar Lichter of Queens College was granted the Barry Goldwater Scholarship, a pristine award provided to college students who intend to pursue research careers in mathematics, science, and engineering.

Goldwater Scholar Source: CUNY
Tmar Lichter
(Source: CUNY)

Lichter who grew up in Long Island, had originally planned on majoring in Chemistry, English, or neuroscience; however, after numerous experiences with “some really excellent professors in math” and other respected fields in Macaulay and Queens College, she declared a major in mathematics. Lichter delved into the course material and furthered her research alongside professors within the fields.

With the Goldwater scholarship, Lichter plans on applying to various mathematics Ph.D. programs throughout the coming year and ultimately, wishes to embark on a research career in mathematics.

When asked what type of advice she would offer to peers who are interested in applying for the Goldwater Scholarship, Lichter stated, “If you are looking into research opportunities, speak to your professors, they’re researchers themselves, and some know a lot about undergraduate research opportunities.”

Lichter is one of three Macaulay Honors students to win the award this year.

Paulina Librizzi is one of three Macaulay students this year to be awarded the Barry Goldwater Scholarship, a prestigious grant awarded to undergraduates with the potential to make significant contributions to their STEM fields.

Paulina Librizzi (Source: CUNY)
Paulina Librizzi (Source: CUNY)

Librizzi is a chemical engineering major at CCNY who notes that this “fantastic honor” will not only help her develop professionally, but will also make her a better candidate for graduate school applications. She is interested in nanomaterials and their photonic and plasmonic properties and applications and plans on pursuing a PhD.

She was inspired to apply for the Goldwater after being selected to conduct graduate-level research through the CCNY-KTH International Research Experience for Students in Stockholm, Sweden last summer 2015. Librizzi says Macaulay played a big part in her Goldwater application as she used the Opportunities Fund to go to Sweden and work on the project that she proposed for the Goldwater Scholarship.

When asked what advice she would offer to peers who are interested in applying for the Goldwater Scholarship, Librizzi said, “Believe in yourself, first of all…If you’re doing research, try and put together collaborations because they really do make you a better researcher…Get as much feedback as possible.” When crafting your project proposal “consider the broader impact of this study. Who can it help and why?” She also emphasizes the importance of injecting your personality into your personal statements, “A little entertainment goes a long way.”

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