Film Review: The Iron Lady

Nominated for Academy Awards in both acting and make up, The Iron Lady has attracted a lot of attention from both the critics and regular moviegoers. Director Phyllida Lloyd, telling the untold story of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s life after leaving her political office, takes the iconic “Iron Lady” out of Parliament and […]

Quidditch Casts a Spell on Macaulay

While racing with broomsticks in between their legs, throwing volleyballs through hula hoops, and trying to grab the player dressed in gold, these students run around like chickens with their heads cut off. An onlooker might wonder what they are doing. They are playing Quidditch, of course. The fictional game that the Harry Potter series […]

Why Do I Need Glasses?

I’ve had several conversations with a number of my friends concerning the wearing of glasses; some of them don’t want to wear them because they “look bad” or because they don’t want to look “nerdy”, while others think that their vision is “good enough.” Regardless, the eye is a fascinating organ, and the reason for […]

All or Nothing

The New Jersey Nets have had a long history filled with some of the best players in the NBA, from Julius “Dr. J” Erving to Deron Williams. While the Nets have won two championships in the ABA (American Basketball Association), prior to the merger, they have yet to achieve greatness in the NBA. They came […]

I Have a Dream…

I cannot imagine having my life uprooted. My family, friends, home, school, life, taken away from me in the blink of an eye. Especially because of something I have almost been immunized to after hearing it for so long in the media — contested immigration status. Touchy immigration subjects were always at a distance from […]
