Category Painters and Artists

Joseph Stella (1877-1946) by Sidonya Hakimi and Stella Chung

His Background Joseph Stella was born on June 13th, 1877 in Muro Lucano, Italy with the original name of Giuseppe Michele Stella. He grew up with four other brothers in southern Italy, near Naples. Stella was expected to follow in… Continue Reading →

Man Ray (1890-1976) by Ingrid Gendler

Man Ray (1890-1976) is widely regarded as a one of the most important American artists involved in the Dada movement of the nineteen tens and twenties, though his works span a variety of mediums and decades. While Ray always considered… Continue Reading →

About George Luks (1867 – 1933) by Hugh Shin

Background Summary      On August 13th, 1867, George Benjamin Luks was born in the north-central region of Pennsylvania in the coal-mining city of Williamsport. Son of a doctor (father) and an avid artist (mother), the young artist attended the… Continue Reading →

Link to a Collection of Robert Henri Works

Droll Dutch Genre Painting

Washington Irving’s depictions of life in New York in the 17th and 18th centuries share the sensibility of Dutch genre painting in the same period.  Dutch painters in this period, which is sometimes referred to as the Golden Age of… Continue Reading →

Hudson River School

Thomas Cole, “The Titian’s Goblet” (1833) In the middle of the nineteenth century painters such as Asher Brown Durand (1796-1886), Thomas Cole (1801-1848) and Fredric Edwin Church (1826-1900) popularized landscapes that emphasized the romantic, sublime, and fantastic aspects of New… Continue Reading →

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