The Arts In New York City

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Sunreet Kaur- Historical Fiction

Sunreet Kaur Professor Hoffman IDC 1011H 28 November 2017 Researchers at Harvard University began conducting a search of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. Among the many documents, they discovered a first-hand account of Rose Rosenfeld Freedman describing her story of… Continue Reading →

The Essence of New York-

    Empire State of Mind: By Karishma Malhotra Performed by Jay-Z with vocals by Alicia Keys, the hit song “Empire State of Mind” perfectly depicts the unique vibe of New York City. Its lyrics, which capture the magical feel… Continue Reading →

Brooklyn Heights by Stella Chung, Robert Godberson, Karishma Malhotra, and Masha Fomitchova

Urban Arts and Culture Guide Urban Arts and Culture Guide Brochure

Historical Fiction Paper – Stella Chung

Stella Chung IDC 1001H Professor Hoffman 14 December 2017 18th Birthday July 11, 1863 – 7:08 PM “Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to Niall! Happy birthday to you!” I looked around the room at all of my family members… Continue Reading →

Bryant Park- Ingrid, Sunreet, Rebecca, and Sherry

Attached below is the PDF file on the paper and flyer of Bryant Park. Arts and Culture Guide – Bryant Park-  Bryant Park Guide Brochure

Ingrid Gendler – Historical Fiction

The Night the Lights Went Out New York City   July 13, 1977 – 8:56 PM Aaron “Avi! Grab that broom, go sweep outside. When you done go next door, we need dinner. Here’s ten. But quick, luncheonette closes at… Continue Reading →

Historical Fiction-Sherry Chen

The Window September 18, 1910. The rainbow-colored leaves gently fall on the cold sidewalk. Children’s laughter flourished the tarnished buildings. Light blue sky with fluffy white clouds watched over the people. The fragrant of fresh roses melted the stench from… Continue Reading →

Contemporary Music Video- Sherry Chen

“A Heart in New York” was a folk genre song created by American folk-rock duo Simon and Garfunkel, released in 1982. This track is released under their album, The Concert in Central Park. This album was released in February 1982… Continue Reading →

New York New York by Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five

Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five are a hip hop group composed of New Yorkers who live in the Bronx. They originally started in 1976 and released their single New York New York in 1989. The group broke down the… Continue Reading →

“The message”  by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five

“The message”  by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five Keith “Cowboy” Wiggins, one of the members of Furious Five, was famous for coining the term hip hop. While he was teasing one of his friends in the U.S. military,… Continue Reading →

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