Author Archives: Julia

About Julia

I'm studying abroad in Spain, but am supposed to be a Macaulay at City sophomore in the International Studies program. I love my life!

And I’m baaaaa-aaaack! (probably the dumbest blog I’ve ever written)

and so. way. too. lazy. to blog. School is awesome. There’s a lot of cool new people that need to be added to our group. Problem is, they’re in a different class. My Spanish class consists of my roomie, my … Continue reading

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Wash away the sins of the world, grant us peace

Yes, I’m misquoting the Bible, so shoot me. Sin number one: I didn’t blog last week. That’s all I’m going to say on that subject. Although I forgot that I wrote something on the 17th instead of being the lazy … Continue reading

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It’s almost been a month@@@!!!!!!##(@*#887878383

Yeah, a lot has happened. I was an emotional wreck for a week or so, but not before going to Barcelona and having THE time of my life. Now I’m in Germany, and about to go to Hannover and then … Continue reading

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Stephenie Meyer is a Mormon

..which makes me doubt the faith after having been brainwashed into her little cult of crazy screaming girls and moms for a good four years. But we can give everything a second chance. So I have two friends from Utah … Continue reading

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Julia’s Wonderful, Incredible, Supergood, mostly chill weekend

Bodegas… In Harlem it’s what I called the corner stores. In Spain, it’s how I have learned to refer to the grand buildings in which wine is stored and sold. Have I mentioned I love wine? Because I do. Especially … Continue reading

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I’m tired and my life is great

Encontré trabajo! I found a job (or two). One of the teachers at the school wants me to help her kids with English! She’s got a 15-year-old son and an 11-year-old daughter. Both seem very nice. Their bird pooped on … Continue reading

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Woah I just spent over a week NOT WRITING ANYTHING in my blog!! :O I don’t have a lot of pictures or anything because I haven’t actually gone anywhere. I’ve been here, studying, speaking, having fun. I totally had time … Continue reading

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Inspired by Yesterday

I have now seen the most beautiful church of my life. One of the program’s fieldtrips is to a monastery in San Millan, which is maybe 20 minutes outside of the city by bus. My camera’s batteries died, but not … Continue reading

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An Expatriate Halloween

We had big plans for Halloween, and we accomplished most of them. Candy was bought, costumes were donned, dancing occurred, and I didn’t get back to my room until around 7 or 8 in the morning. I deem thee a … Continue reading

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Actually studying!

Be proud of me. I’m circling words that I don’t understand in the newspaper, and listening to a program on gay rights (or something about gays.. they mentioned jobs and stuff so I’m 90% sure it’s about rights) on the … Continue reading

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