
Author Archive

Coming up with a Title…

April 27th, 2009

What is out title?


Post 1945 New York City
Visions of Gotham

Peopling the Decades
Writing with Light: New York Since 1945
I’ve Worked D* Hard On This
You Know I Have Other Classes Too, Right?

John Sorrentino Uncategorized

Adding PowerPoints and other similar media to the site

April 22nd, 2009

You can easily upload your project to Slideshare (see the links section of this blog) and embed it back into this blog.

Just make sure that when you are posting it you select the “html” tab, and then select the embedding code to the right of the slideshow on the Slideshare page. At this time the “Post to” –> Wordpress does not work due to a version conflict between the plugin and the Wordpress version we are using.

John Sorrentino Uncategorized

Hello! We’re Rick Rolling a New Semester

February 10th, 2009

Hello Seminar 2! Looking forward to a productive and interesting semester. And in case you hadn’t heard, Rick Rolling is the new pass-time…

Your Tech Fellow,


John Sorrentino Uncategorized