Leora Ellenberg
Link to zine: Banksy: Mainstream or Subversive?

For this project, I created two zines in one, which both address the question of whether Banksy is a mainstream artist. One zine is read traditionally starting in the front, while the second zine starts from the back page and reads in reverse. I felt this was a fun and unique way to address both sides of the debate.
If read from the front, the zine presents as a traditional academic paper arguing for the point that Banksy has become a well-respected mainstream artist. From a format standpoint, I followed the normal conventions for a paper that would be submitted in any college course. I used a conventional font, incorporated proper MLA citations, and, in general, wrote in a conservative style. In essence, I presented the argument that Banksy is mainstream in a mainstream and conventional format.
If read from the back, the zine presents as a more impassioned assertion that Banksy remains a subversive artist who is not part of the mainstream. From a format standpoint, I presented in a very different style. Like Banksy, I strayed from the traditional expectations, incorporating an uncommon font, incorporating different colors and font sizes, and using a background image. I tried to write in a different style, incorporating more first-person language and a less sedate presentation. In essence, I presented the argument that Banksy is not mainstream by ignoring the mainstream expectations of an academic submission.