
Men’s Health
Diabetes can adversely effect a man’s sex life. It is important to address any anomalities regarding how your body performs during sex so that you can recieve proper treatment. The more vigilant you are in care of your diabetes, the more likely it is that you will be able to treat any issues regarding your sex health.
Erectile Dysfunction
What Causes ED?
ED can be caused by a wealth of complications, including injury to the nerves in the penis. In addition, ED can be caused be certain types of medication you may be taking to treat high blood pressure or depression, stomach ulcers or heartburn, according to the American Diabetes Association.
The same destructive behaviors that can agitate your diabetes also increase your risk of contracting ED or aggravating the symptoms, including:
  •  Lack of exercise
  • Smoking of cigarettes
  • Overcompensation of alcohol
  • Being overweight
You may feel uncomfortable accepting that you have erectile dysfunction and speaking about your symptoms, but it is imperative to discuss what is happening to your body with your doctor. It is only after you’ve met with your doctor that you can talk about what can potentially be causing your ED and what treatment plan is right for you.
Low Testosterone
According to the ADA, the risk for becoming afflicted by low testosterone is doubled in men who have Type 2 diabetes. Symptoms include:
  • Diminished interest in sex
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Reduced lean body mass
  • Depressed mood
  • Lack of energy
If you have any of these symptoms, express your concerns to your doctor. Your doctor can test your testosterone levels with a blood test, and help put together a treatment plan for you from this point onwards.
Treatments can include the following, which expand the amount of testosterone produced in your body:
  •  Gels
  • Patches
  • Injections