Here is the current species and observation list for the 2018 Macaulay Honors College Inwood Hill Park BioBltiz: 2018 Inwood Hill Park BioBlitz Data 10_24_18. The first sheet is a summary page with our species count (currently at 361 species!) which is likely to increase as some of the insect teams send back their final reports. You will find a unique species list, a list of all observations (includes multiple observations of the same species), and then individual observation lists for each BioBlitz team.

You can check out the iNaturalist observations here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/2018-macaulay-honors-college-inwood-hill-park-bioblitz As the community IDs more of these, it is possible we will get additional species from this list. Research Grade iNaturalist observations have been added to the Excel file above.

Here is an Excel file of the project observations from iNaturalist (as downloaded on October 16): 2018 Inwood Hill Park BioBlitz ALL iNaturalist observations Oct162018 and a file that explains the columns: iNaturalist Observation File Help 2018. Remember that these observations are geotagged, so you can map them if you are interested. You can always download an updated list from iNaturalist by going to the project link and clicking on Observations and then “Export observations” to the right of the screen.

Here is a map of the locations we explored at the BioBlitz: IHP map






Pull down the Data menu above to find the results of our previous BioBlitzes. You may also be interested in the results from the City Nature Challenge (a multi-day self-guided city BioBlitz). 2017 Results:  https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2017-new-york-city  2018 Results: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/city-nature-challenge-2018-new-york-city

There also have been some non-Macaulay-affiliated BioBlitzes in the city. Including:

The 2007, 2009, and 2010 Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge BioBlitzes: http://nbii-nin.ciesin.columbia.edu/jamaicabay/bioblitz/2007BioBlitz/2007BioBlitz.jsp

The 2016 Gateway National Park BioBlitz: http://www.inaturalist.org/projects/2016-national-parks-bioblitz-gateway-jamaica-bay-bioblitz

The 2015 Van Cortlandt Park BioBlitz: http://www.nyc.gov/html/bxcb8/downloads/pdf/news/vcp_bioblitz_2015.pdf

The previous (2003) BioBlitzes in Central Park: https://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/bioblitz/data/2003-central-park-bioblitz-summary-data/

Useful Databases: