Our 2021 Remote BioBlitz is over! We strongly encourage you to check out the project pages and download the data you need shortly before you need them. It should take about 10 minutes to download the whole set, but if the iNaturalist servers are busy, it could take 30-40 minutes. The iNaturalist community is constantly adding more identifications, so our species counts will change as this happens. Here are the direct links to the project pages:

To download the current data for each project, go to “Observations” and then click “Export” on the right side of the page. This will take you to the Export page where you can choose the columns you want in your data set and also further refine the observations included. We have created a step-by-step guide to downloading iNaturalist data here.

If you want to compare the 2021 results to other BioBlitz years, you can access the data from those years here: https://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/bioblitz/category/data/

This file has a download of our 2021 data from the umbrella projects (so students plus staff/faculty/taxon leaders). It is current as of October 6 at 4pm and includes ALL observations whether or not they have confirmed IDs. Only look at the “Research Grade” observations (under “quality_grade”), if you want observations with confirmed species identifications. If you are reading this after October 6, please do consider making a fresh download of the data set so you can get all the ID confirmations available.