Interested in hosting our BioBlitz? We’re always looking for new places to bring our students!
What we bring:
- Approximately 500 eager college students
- Our network of naturalists/scientists
- The necessary surveying equipment (mostly owned by us, some borrowed)
- Our experience in planning and managing this massive data collection event
What we are looking for:
- Partners in urban green spaces (managers, education directors, etc.)
- Staffing at location (volunteer or otherwise)
- Facilities (a sheltered area to do check in and set up microscopes, bathrooms, etc.).
- Biodiversity data for the green space (species lists, iNaturalist observations)
- A transformative educational experience
Interested? Arrange a meeting with us! We can discuss all things BioBlitz (dates, data collection, shared expenses, etc.). Contact Dr. Kelly O’Donnell (