Final Project Proposal: The Last Day of Doomsday

For my research paper I would like to compare and contrast the films “Jesus Camp” and “Children of Men.” In both of these films children are a commodity and effective tools for two very different groups to advance their political agenda.
In the film “Children of Men” the youngest human was an 18-year-old boy who is murdered in the beginning of the film. The world is coping with infertility problems, and most of the world is in chaos. England is the most stable country, and immigrants are fleeing to it’s shore searching for a better life. There is racism and a large level of inequality towards the illegal immigrants. There is an underground group of insurgents fighting for this equality. When they discover a pregnant illegal immigrant their leader wants to hand her over to a secret research facility trying to fix the infertility proble, however the rest of the group has other plans. The group understands that the child is a powerful tool to advance their agenda and they want to use her as leverage against the British government.
The documentary “Jesus Camp” shows how Christian Fundamentalist teach their children the religious and political ideas that drive their group forward. A lot of effort is placed into teaching the children the fundamentalist mindset to secure the future of their religion and their place in the political sphere.
Children are pure and gullible and these two elements make them very powerful weapons for both peace and for war. John “The Revelator” places purity on a pedestal and sinners should burn in hell. He has a very high standard of what humans should be and how they should behave and chastity is one of them. The most pure and chaste beings on earth are children. Children are a very important ingredient for the apocalypse because without children the social order begins to collapse. I will use A History of the End of the World by Jonathan Hirsh and Apocalypse Now and Then: A Feminist Guide to the End of the World by Catherine Keller to analyze how the concept of purity is connected to the apocalypse and to children, specially.
For my creative project, I will be writing a short story narrated through my eyes during my last day on Earth as believed by other humans. A scientist has found data that gives credibility to the World coming to an end on December 21, 2010. On that day, everyone is aware that it is their last day, and the other characters in the story will share their last plans with the narrator. I want to explore what different people chose to do in their last moments, much like a Bucket List, but in a global level. I will include several illustrated pages of key characters and scenes to the story.

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