Author Archives: Andreas Apostolopoulos

Book of Revelations: New York Time’s Comic Book Best Seller for 2000 Straight Years?

I must confess that I have never been much into the comic-book form of literature. While I have enjoyed many movies that have been results of comic books, I have not actually ever read one myself. I mean. Sure I’ve … Continue reading

Posted in Andreas Apostolopoulos | 1 Comment

Second Law of Thermodynamics

An apocalyptic narrative  “resists the crisis of change by inculcating change into its very vocabulary, assuring its reader that “the parent disorder of history, will finally affirm order”.  –Lois Parkinson Zamora In a system, the process that occurs will tend … Continue reading

Posted in Andreas Apostolopoulos, October 5 | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

The (Un)Revealing Revelation

If we are to take the word of the first 26 books of the New Testament as the word of God, then how are we also able to take John’s ramblings on a vengeful God—a God who believes the very act of conception is defilement, a God who will torture those who were not Martyrs for the Christian cause (but associated themselves with Roman coinage, or pagan traditions) for eternity, despite their overall good intentions, as truth as well? Continue reading

Posted in Andreas Apostolopoulos, September, September 21 | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Apocalyptic Films have Oh-So-Revealing Titles

Confronted with the problem of how to complete this assignment using a movie that wasn’t over-marketed, I decided to perform a quick Google search of “Apocalyptic Films” to see what I could find in the way of the underground. I perused … Continue reading

Posted in Andreas Apostolopoulos, September, September 14 | Tagged , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Seven Seals–Primal Fear

[display_podcast] Here’s a link to a song i posted relating to what we’ve been talking about in the Book of Revelations. As a fan of Heavy Metal, its not hard at all to find songs such as these. And this … Continue reading

Posted in Andreas Apostolopoulos, September | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment