Pea Roe Foam A TBT





This massive compilation of random garbage peas, garbage fish eggs and most  of all garbage foam made no sense to me and added to my frustration towards the art world. Now that i can reflect on my journey through the art scene, i can undoubtedly say that i have a new found appreciation and perspective to view art. Just the other day after our last IDC class, i went to the library to meet up with some friends. However, the library was so packed we ended up sitting in those little telephone rooms that have video art on the TV. It happened to be that on Tuesday the artist for the video was going through each floor with a little group. They walked in on us watching some really funny videos and decided to ask us what we thought about the art. While my friends were thinking of some BS they can say. I jumped right into the question and started giving my perspective about the artificial world vs natural creations.

Now to connect this all back to Pea Roe Foam, i have the perspective i was missing. The dada form of art is another statement by the artist to get us thinking about the meaningless material in our lives. Its one thing being told this and another finally coming to terms with this myself. The useless products we saw in that gallery was all an effort of non stop labor to allow us to find the meaning of the art. The art is a compilation of the garbage we throw ut after we finished using it. Why should we throw it out? Well we shouldn’t because throw a bit of glue on it and someone will buy it apparently. But actually, the dada art is supposed to be as unspecific as possible so that the viewer comes to terms with it. I am so glad to have gained a new found respect for art, i feel much more sophisticated going into a conversation about art now and i feel like i am a baby specialist in the market.

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Multimedia project is a go

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Saeed Jones Poetry Workshop

Lipstuck Table

Her table is a bed is a person

Which spoke is a dish on the desolate table is company

And is decorated with dessert is screaming is vibrant is enticing

Craved on her lipsticked lips is a lip stuck on a dish is a man

Is but a fantasy of a man and a man that is fantasy is

A man she will never have is food is food and her food

Is Man.

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MoMa Museum Of Modern Art


“Perfect Door/ Perfect Odor/Perfect Rodo” Bruce Nauman (American, born 1941)

Upon my recent visit to the MoMa i was struck mostly by art work, which provided insight into the flow and order of events. Moreover, I understood the focal point to the piece was the letter “D” which moved along the words. Through this movement the other letters followed suit and moved as well to create an entirely new meaning. I took away the message that even when something small changes it can actually have a larger effect on something else entirely. At a time when we are all worrying about of first college exams, I think this can relate to a lot of us in that all the little things like homework and participation will come to play a big factor in inflating our grades even when exams look hopeless.

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Madison Square Park, What Do You Want To Be???


This was a really hands on project that allowed anyone to pick up a piece of chalk and just write down what they wanted to e. Some people wrote cute messages, others wrote down funny things, fantasies and aspirations. It was just  a way to share with the world what you wanted to be. I contributed to it myself but it was really hard to make up something to write that wasn’t already taken.

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When you stop and say this will make me look artsy on Instagram


I saw this natural wonder stirring up after sweating profusely during a painful sports game I was part of. This is a direct view of the lesser known and far less interesting New Jersey. Mini golfing sure does makes you think you know?

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