Borke, Jesse . “Broken toe – self-care.” MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. Accessed October 19, 2017.


The MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia focuses mainly on broken toes. It goes into detail about the injury and what to expect and feel from the injury. They go on to tell you how long it will last and what are some symptom reliefs for it. One of the remedies provided is buddy wrapping. This is when you connect your inured toe to the adjacent toe using tape. This remedy gets annoying, unconfutable and doesn’t really prevent so much pain. This is why our group would like to use the toe splint. An easier and more convenient way.



Macmanus, Joseph E. “The use of a plaster slipper in the management of simple fractures of the toes.” The American Journal of Surgery 54, no. 3 (1941): 721-22.


Doctor Joseph Macmanus discusses a simple yet effective way to provide comfort and protection to a fractured toe. His remedy involves a plaster slipper. He describes how to wrap your foot and toe in plaster to keep it protected. It is like molding the plaster to your foot. This method while may be effective is also annoying to wear and hard to apply. The foot has to be bathed, dried and powdered. Measurements have to be taken and then plaster applied. The plaster is bulky and hard to wear with shoes. This is why our group would like to use the toe splint. An easier and more convenient way.



Singh, H.p., and N.d. Downing. “An “empty” toe.” The Foot 15, no. 2 (2005): 114-16.


Hp singh describes how a freak accident caused a patient to break her toe. Not only did it brake but it “went missing”. As to say the bone of the toe cam out of the toe skin socket and into a different skin socket. So one of the patients toe sockets was just empty skin without a bone. They did surgery on her and fixed her toe. She was then put in a plaster slipper. This is why our group would like to use the toe splint. An easier and more convenient way.