Jun 29

1 day left. It’s finally here!!!

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More to come!!!

Jun 26

So what does one do on the last day in their home town of BK before leaving for 4 months?!? Go to the apple store of course! I had a surprisingly emotional time walking through manhattan with my Mom and Dad, realizing that I will not be seeing the exciting hustle and bustle of trying to cross Fifth Ave for a while. And that I will not be with them, but that’s all part of the experience!!!

And no one can go to the apple store without uploading an ipad video. Am I right! eh!

Tomorrow I’ll be flying high and probably watching too many movies on a 22 hour flight, and after that the adventure really begins.

Thanks for all,

Jun 23

I can’t believe it’s in five days!
In just five days I’ll be going to Australia for a four-month study-abroad adventure. And I can’t help but be excited about the silliest things and nervous about the least consequential things as well. Like seeing the international terminal in JFK that I’ve never been to and who will be sitting next to me on the plane. Granted I will be on that plane for about 22 hours, but still!

It’s incredible that my carbon footprint is just about to increase at least ten-fold by the impact my flying half-way across the world will have. And maybe it’s even more incredible that such a thought even crossed my mind. If it hadn’t been for the Macaulay Honors Seminars, like the ones taught by Professors Tammy Lewis and Alan Aja, which focused on environmentalism, sustainability and most importantly, our personal responsibility towards those things, I would continue to be preoccupied with how many pairs of socks I’ll need. Although this doesn’t stop me from making the trip, it at least gives me the awareness of what goes on in the world for it to even be possible.

So as these thoughts flutter across my synapses, often being intercepted by those concerned with the weight limit of my suitcases, I am deeply excited about the journey I’m embarking on. Plus, I’m grateful that in this age of digital media I could share that trip with you!- my family and friends, classmates and teachers, the advisors that helped me get to be writing such a post in preparation for such a trip and also you, random stranger who happened upon this blog- Welcome!

In other news, I got new glasses. Sophisticated? Hipster? Tell me what you think!


Jun 18

My Favorite…Season: Summer/Winter

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Summer Fun
I love summer, but I also love winter. Wait, I think that means I don’t actually have a preference…or that I just make the best of the weather, whatever it is
Either way, it’s summer in the northern Hemisphere, and winter in AUSTRALIA!! So I am just savoring the weather while I’m here, just as I will be when I am there. I’m just that kinda girl!


Jun 14

What will be the future of technology?

Jun 05

UpJUNE (Update)

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Here’s a quick update on AUStralia related plans.
Also, It’s my birthday today!

May 04

Welcome to a renewed season of sun-shining, flower-blooming and a whole lot of loud sneezing! Allergies are back, but that won’t stop me from enjoying the return of my favorite flower- Lilacs! Can you guess why?

Apr 29

Where in the world???

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I found this cool little embed-able map that you can use to show where in the world you’ve been. I’m proud and super grateful that I can say I’ve been to more than a few places around the world, mostly in a stroller and no memories to speak of, but hey it still counts, doesn’t it? At least in my next trip—to AUSTRALIA!!!!— I’ll be fully conscious, vlogging and bloggin all the way!

I love traveling and learning about the places I’m in and the ones I wish to go to. Not everyone can say that. I remember what a friend of mine once said, “I’ve never been outside of the United States, but I’ve been to Florida.”

Huh?!? you say? My thoughts exactly.

Knowledge of Geography is so underrated these days. *When I was a kid….* jk!

visited 10 states (4.44%)
Create your own visited map of The World

How many states have you been to? 30 down, 20 to go.

visited 30 states (60%)
Create your own visited map of The United States

Happy travels!


Apr 24

I’ve been meaning to make a day-trip out to the Guggenheim museum for a while now. Given the vacation days (and my oft-professed love of all things Manhattan) my parents and I made our way to the beautiful building. We didn’t know what to expect in the way of what type of art would be on exhibit, but we knew the building architechture is art in itself and sure to be amazing. We were not at all disappointing.

First, the art pieces of the permanent collection themselves were beautiful paintings by famous artists, like Picasso, Chegal, Cezzane, Van Gogh, my favorite– Kandintsky and many more. But even more impressive was the fact that the visitors became the art. Because of the rotating design of the gallery and the striking ceiling, people were constantly looking inward, into the building, with their backs against the ‘real art.’ In my opinion, the main attraction isn’t AT the museum, it IS the museum.
People were constantly taking pictures of the building, both from inside and outside and marveling at the clever and expansive design.




Of course, we had to have wonderful snack at the end of a wonderful trip!

Apr 24

What to do in NYC for free?” has seen the white of my google search bar.
Even without a clear destination, my family and I love riding the train into the city and seeing all the tall buildings towering above our heads and into the blue sky. Just walking around and seeing the multitudes of people makes you feel like a part of humanity in a way that sitting in front of your computer screen does not, no matter how many online friends you have. So anyway, what we found was a free walking tour of Grand Central Station with the renowned tourguide, Justin Ferate. Did I mention it was free! The tour went for around 2 hours but our tourguide was so engaging and entertaining that it felt like a mere hour and half! (a history tour can only be so engaging! lol).
He took us through all of the area’s history and architectural psychology while actually walking around the streets. He pointed out oddities that you never would have noticed, telling the ‘true’ stories of history that have been rewritten by PR people to make everyone look better. Did you know for example, that the yellow brick road from the Wizard of Oz was inspired by the actual yellow brick of Park Ave? Of course, by now the avenue is paved with cement for cars, but back in the days of wheel-drawn carriages, brick was all the rage and Park Ave’s happened to have been Yellow! The Yellow road symbolizes ‘making it big’ in the ‘Emerald City’ that is NY!
By far the most exciting discovery of the day happened in a remote spot of Grand Central Terminal that I would’ve just ignored had I been alone: The Whispering Gallery. At first you see people facing the corner of the room as if they’ve been punished by their kindergrarten teacher to go stand in the corner, but once you know what they are doing, it is amusing and enchanting. The ceiling’s curve allows people standing on opposite corners to whisper to each other and hear one another as if they were right besides them. It was really fun to see others stand facing the wall and to communicate via rounded ceilings. Beats skype is you ask me!
All in all, I greatly recommend this Grand Central walking tour to any and all. You are sure to enjoy it and did I mention that it won’t cost you a cent.

Apr 17

This past Friday, I presented the project I am assisting with that is studying Emergent Literacy in Bilingual Hebrew/English Preschoolers in the Cuny Graduate Center. The Student Research Poster Day in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences was so enlightening; I enjoyed hearing other students and professors present their research and I got a sense of the scope that this field covers from the varied topics of research. I especially enjoyed meeting Mira Goral and hearing her presentation about her work with Aphasia in Multilinguals, as well as meeting the research professors at the Crad center, Professor Klara Marton, Professor Loraine Obler and others. Serving as an RA (research assistant) on this project has been really fun and I’ve been learning so much about research methods and how to present your research with a poster from my Professor, Isabelle Barriere. I find it’s really engaging when you are able to explore and find your niche while seeing how others have developed their careers and selves in that field. Thank you for this opportunity.

Apr 13

This is what happens when you minor in linguistics while majoring in an anatomy-heavy subject like Speech Pathology and Audiology! You go crazy!!!
Hope you learn something new…It’ll only take a minute.

Apr 10

JFEW Spring Retreat

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As part of being a JFEW Scholar, I went to the JFEW Spring Retreat today in the Thirteen Studio at Lincoln Center. It was a real treat! I enjoyed hearing all the guest speakers and was happy to see the scholars from the other campuses again. Starting off the day with Michelle Ward’s coaching served to strengthen my “mission statement” as a student and focus my academic goals. Hearing the dialogue between Mrs. Hochman and Mrs. Korff, two remarkably successful women in their field, was intriguing and inspiring. I especially gained from the session with two Macaulay Alumni, Joey and Marta, feeling that they were close enough to relate to yet with a lot of wisdom to share about their unique academic paths.
I really appreciated today’s strengthening words of encouragement and support for successful careers for women. Thank you to all of JFEW, Macaualy Honors College and all the people involved in planning and participating in today’s wonderful events.

Thank you to Mike Lamb for the picture!

Mar 29

I <3 NY

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As per my perpetual thought process about ‘studying abroad’ in my own home and loving New York as a prerequisite of enjoying actually being abroad–enjoy this latest video. Following the youtube tradition of famous vloggers, such as the vlogbrothers, charlieissocoollike and elmify, enjoy this thoughts from places series video.
Union Square-Macy’s Flower Show-walking around!


Mar 18

Happy Purim! Baking Tutorial

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Hey! One of my favorite holidays is coming right up-PURIM!
I made a tutorial video on how to make hamantashen, the traditional pastry. Yummy!

Feb 01

In a previous post, I spoke about my incredible fascination with phonetics. I made a few tutorials using a method that some youtubers such as Josh Sundquist and Vi Hart use. Enjoy this little presentation about the basics of phonetics, of course condensing many hours of studying into mere minutes.

A big thank-you goes out to my advisor and Professor Cindy Stein. From my first class with Professor Stein, I loved learning about phonetics and the IPA. It is with her help and encouragement that I went on to become a peer tutor for this subject and what inspired me to make this video tutorial.

Till next time, LG

My AUSome Trip