Take a Break

My fear of the power going out from the storm means that I needed to get this article done immediately. Our connection to our computers and the Internet is crazy but not a new fact. As I sat down to write, something brand new happened to me. My professors sent out e-mails to inform their classes that they had changed the assignments due dates because we were missing class. It seems that school is always in session, even when the physical school building is closed.  Do I go to an online college? I don’t think so.  This is great.  Maybe, from now I on, I can skip the occasional class.  Now I will spend my day volunteering and having my teachers email me the assignments instead.

Situations change during a storm because much of my homework requires a computer. Therefore, I always feel the underlying nervousness of losing power. I could write this article and then do my homework by hand with a candle, as someone jokingly said, but that is as unrealistic as the MTA running during a hurricane – yeah, not likely. I guess the only way school will ever really be “closed” is if everyone looses power, their laptops die, and the Internet signal is down.  Thankfully, this is not a common scenario. If this were the case, I would be upset about not being able to check my Facebook but I would also be upset that my work-load had doubled and I have not even been to class.

We are college students for goodness sake! We are sleep-deprived, caffeine fueled students who are constantly rushing from one place to the next.  How lucky we are to have these days off during midterm season? Even for those who are not studying, how many college students have time to sit down and actually read a book for their own enjoyment? What students need is a reason to stop, relax, and enjoy life. Students should take advantage of the present opportunity.

Of course life can always be enjoyed with technology.  Sitting down to watch a movie and eating popcorn is a perfectly good idea which requires electricity for the TV and microwave.  Go ahead and stalk your friends on Facebook, chat, and upload pictures. In today’s time, if the power goes out or the Internet signal is down we are probably going to be bored. Take the time to learn to do things without technology. Learn to entertain yourself without a computer or TV. If you’re stuck in your dorm with no way to do physical activity and feeling a little bit lonely then have a dance party with music and your neighbors down the hall.  It will be a blast.  Do your nails or even bake some cookies. Just please take a break. You deserve it.  The homework will be done more efficiently if you are focused and not tired and cranky.

As I sit in my room listening to the wind and rain, I will finish this article, and then begin the next assignment. In fact, I have to thank this storm for giving my something to write for this article.  But first, I have an episode of New Girl to watch.

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