Aldemaro Romero Appointed as Dean of Weissman

Photography courtesy of Dr. Aldemaro's profile on the SIUE page.
Photography courtesy of Dr. Aldemaro’s profile on the SIUE page.

After an extensive search for the successive dean of Weismann, both locally and nationally, Dr. Romero was chosen to serve the college as not only Dean of the Arts & Sciences, but also as a Professor of Biology in the department of Natural Sciences.  His term in Baruch begins midsummer of this year.

Dr. Romero earned his undergraduate degree with a concentration in zoology from the Universitat de Barcelona.  There, he worked as a coordinator of the hydrozoology lab at the Museum of Zoology of Barcelona.

After graduation, he received his Ph.D. in biology from the University of Miami, Florida.  According to his site, Dr. Romero has published over 700 books and articles pertaining to these concentrations as well as paleontology, environmental studies, history, and philosophy of science.  His work has earned him numerous grants and prizes for both scientific research and work in the realm of communication.

Before coming to Baruch, Dr. Romero has held quite instrumental roles in various colleges across the country.  Romero served as Director and Associate Professor of the Environmental Studies program at Macalester College, Chair and Professor of the Biological Sciences at Arkansas State University, and Dean and Professor of the College of Arts and Sciences at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.

In Southern Illinois University, Romero is accredited with overseeing numerous construction being done to reshape facilities including: The Art & Design Building as well as the new Visual and Performing Arts Center. Additionally, he has been involved in fundraising and innovation in the campus’ programs.

In the Provost’s released document about the work of Romero, the college includes the former dean’s Curriculum Vitae, in which it lists the responsibilities and accomplishments Romero has had as an “administrator,” an “innovator,” “a communicator” in each of the colleges in which he has held positions.

One of the most notable accomplishments of Romero is in his former position in Illinois. According to his portfolio, Romero “develop[ed] in conjunction with faculty a 5-year strategic plan emphasizing initiatives on interdisciplinary curricula, experiential hands-on and service learning, internationalization, diversification of faculty, students, and staff, faculty-student engagement, intellectual enrichment and collaboration, increasing the institutional profile, and improving physical and financial assets.”  In this five-step plan, Romero earned much gratification throughout his five years on campus. He was able to “increase overall enrollment and retention of student” as well as shift the school to a more student-centered approach in which students are the ones crafting their schedules.

As Dean of the Weissman School of Arts & Sciences beginning this upcoming summer term, it is with hope that Dr. Romero continues to uphold the ideals that he imprinted on the previous schools in which he was involved and within the positions that he held. Bringing his three functions as “administrator,” an “innovator,” “a communicator” to Baruch can only expand the opportunities of the liberal arts college as a whole as well as the students who are members of it.


Aldemaro Romero Jr. – Publications

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