A DIfferent Kind of Tyranny

Economic inequality has been at the forefront of American politics for several election cycles. The middle class dwindles, while the wealthiest further enrich themselves. We constantly hear statistics that say most of the economic gains made since the recession have been vacuumed up by the richest 1 percent. Considering that median incomes have barely risen […]

Economic Growth In Africa: The Unheard Success Story

Perhaps rapid development of Asian countries and the simultaneous downturn in Europe and the United States overshadows growth rates in Africa, which are projected to be the fastest growing over the next decade. However, growth has spread throughout Africa, and while poverty and corruption are still rampant, millions of people are doing better economically speaking […]


On March 6, #StandWithRand was the hashtag trending worldwide on Twitter.  On that day, Senator Rand Paul, the junior Senator from Kentucky, pulled off a 12 hour and 52 minute filibuster of the nomination of President Obama’s candidate for CIA Director, John Brennan.   While some have called Senator Paul’s filibuster a waste of time, many […]

NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo Discusses NY Rising Initiative at CSI

After delivering his State of the State address to a joint session in Albany last month, Governor Andrew Cuomo visited the College of Staten Island to present his “NY Rising” initiative to students and faculty. NY Rising details Governor Cuomo and the State legislator’s plan to promote growth in New York State. Citing Albany’s successes […]