All Gears In Reverse

Not that any individual can do much about it, but perhaps it’s nice to sit and wonder on a balmy day — where the hell is the world headed? Technology’s rapid progression has allowed us a glimpse into our future. Cars used to be science fiction, apparently — in what age, I wouldn’t know. Perhaps, someday, the […]

Seven Changes to the SAT

Last year, the number of students who took the ACT, an aptitude test which largely measures knowledge acquired in school, was greater than the SAT, which measures test-taking abilities. The College Board, makers of the SAT, recently announced that in the spring of 2016, they will be changing the current format of the test to […]

Security At What Cost?

The Edward Snowden leaks unleashed a firestorm of controversy and debate over the extent of NSA spying. With an increasing number of young, Internet-savvy Americans praising Snowden’s actions, the controversy reveals a significant generational gap regarding online rights. Many people in Washington argue that collecting data is necessary for anti-terrorism efforts and national security, but […]

Strategy Beyond Mere Charity

International development aid for underdeveloped countries has traditionally been looked upon as a form of charity by Western nations, including the United States. The idea of giving to poor African or Latin American countries is one that resonates in the minds of most Americans. The results of aid, however, have been terrible. Development aid has […]