Selections from Humans of Macaulay: Part 2

See Part 1 here. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name: Cheyn Shah Class: Junior Campus: Queens College Major: Economics and Political Science “The day before my fifth birthday, I cut my own finger off.” “How?” “I was reaching through a window and the window fell on it (pinky finger), but they reattached it. So during the early hours of […]

Spanning Two Boroughs

I’ve lived in Brooklyn for close to 16 years, ever since I moved to the US from Baku, Azerbaijan in 1999. The Brooklyn that I know is blocks of six-story red- and yellow-brick apartment buildings filled with people of all colors. Mexicans, Jews from the former USSR, Pakistanis, African Americans, and anyone else you can […]


Kovalev vs. Pascal

The Mayweather/Pacquiao mania has drowned out a set of big fights that would have otherwise made the headlines. Here is a recap of the major fights that have occurred in the past months. Sergey Kovalev vs. Jean-Thenistor Pascal Kovalev, with his tremendous punching power, has established himself as the most feared man in the light heavyweight division. […]

Finishing Up in the Oval

In what is supposed to be the nation’s house of compromise, consistent discord and legislative procrastination seems to prevail. The upcoming 2016 election season has already begun leaving most politicians in a frenzy with prominent members of Congress seeking the Presidential nomination off on their personal campaigns. That leaves us with really just one ace in […]

Against All Odds

The two main political parties of Bangladesh are in an open war with each other. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of the Awami League leads a campaign of suppression against the opposition, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), arresting several prominent BNP members and placing BNP leader Khaleda Zia under house arrest. (The Awami League won the […]

The Science of Sneezing  

Did you know that your most forceful sneeze can travel out of your mouth at the speed of a category two hurricane—approximately 100 miles per hour? Sneezes can also spray up to 5,000 particles, which can travel up to 20 feet. Since it’s flu season and I happened to be irritably sneezing with a cold […]