What Banksy Can Teach Us

When British artist Banksy’s self-declared New York residency first began creating a buzz, I was excited. To me, it presented a comforting realization that masses could still care about art not just in a I’m-going-take-my-biannual-trip-to-the-Met–to-refresh-my-understanding-and-appreciation-for-good-art kind of way (don’t get me wrong, I love the Met), but in a not-all-important-art-is-in-museums-and-I-am-willing-to-travel-all-around-the-city-to-follow-an-obscure-artist-to-see-what-his-work-is-about kind of way. But as the talk around Banksy […]

Science and Prostitution

Should you be alarmed by the title, allow me to reassure you—this article has little to do with the subject of prostitution and is much more focused on science itself. That being said, I have recently come to the realization that under the scientific and technical norms our society now runs, science is essentially a prostitute. […]

Literary Journalism in Soccer: November 13th at the Macaulay Building

The Macaulay Messenger is proud to co-sponsor the panel discussion, Literary Journalism in Soccer, moderated and organized by Daniel Pecoraro (Hunter ’14) on Wednesday, November 13th at the Macaulay building at 5:45 PM. The event will include panelists Roger Bennett and Grant Wahl, who will discuss techniques and styles used in covering soccer journalism and […]