You May (Not) Kiss the Bride

Okay, I’ll admit it, I was one of the two billion or so people watching the royal wedding. Of course, I wasn’t crazy enough to watch it on a live feed (I had class on Friday at 11am, and I need at least six hours of sleep), but I did watch the six hour DVRed […]


But Are You Sure He’s Not a Muslim?

If you somehow managed to pull yourself away from the extensive coverage of the royal wedding these past weeks, you may have also noticed that President Obama finally released his long-form birth certificate. Donald Trump, of course, immediately did his own press conference and stated that he was very proud of himself for causing this […]


CSI’s Tenth Annual Undergraduate Conference on Research, Scholarship, and Performance

Over 300 students participated in The College of Staten Island’s Tenth Annual Undergraduate Conference on Research, Scholarship, and Performance. The conference provides students with the opportunity to display and present their research projects to the CSI community. Along with poster presentations, this year’s conference also featured paper presentations, where students discussed their research projects in […]

MLB Season Guide

The 2011 MLB Season kicked off March 31 and the young season has already shown flashes of what may transpire. Pitching gems from aces and star prospects alike have given spectators artistry to marvel at. This year, the league is laden with young prospects eager to make a mark and superstar veterans seeking to cement […]

Abortion Gets Racy

What is the best way to bring attention to an issue? Would be it bringing the government to the brink of shutdown because of an abortion rider or placing a billboard in ever-so-liberal SoHo stating, “The most dangerous place for an African American is the womb”? Clearly the Texan anti-abortion group, Life Always, agreed with […]


Windows on Your Mac

One of our first memories as Macaulay students was the anxious wait in line to receive our shiny new Macbook Pros. For the life-long Windows users among us, becoming comfortable with a Mac may have taken a little while. If you still miss Windows, there are a few ways to add a Windows experience to […]