The Disgruntled Voter

And so we have come to a time for choosing.  In what is rarely a commonplace occurrence among the nations of the Earth, America has prided itself in the peaceful transfer of authority.  Every four years, the duty of selecting our next Commander-in-Chief falls on the shoulders of none other than We the People. We […]

Election 2012 — The Issues

Voters have been rallying behind their candidates as the 2012 presidential election season is in full swing; however, some voters still remain undecided, and others would just like to learn more about the other candidates on the ballot. The Macaulay Messenger’s guide to the 2012 presidential election breaks down the beliefs of each candidate on […]

Occupy Wall Street: #americanproblems

A response to this clip from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Why are broadcast journalists being so ignorant about this, especially those at Fox? They’re completely making this situation black-and-white. There are protestors who fight for what they deserve, and they deserve the right to question and be angry about the careless actions of […]
