Released in 2009, the song, Empire State of Mind, embodies the life and ambition in New York City. It was written for Jay-Z, who brought along Alicia Keys to be featured in the chorus. As New York natives, both musicians resonated with the song. It describes their journey from New York City into stardom and how NYC was the birthplace of their careers. Even after they reached fame, NYC remained their true home. In the first line, Jay-Z says, “Yeah, I’m out that Brooklyn, now I’m down in Tribeca. Right next to DeNiro, but I’ll be hood forever.” Jay-Z was born in Brooklyn, and although his location and status has changed, he’ll always be the same guy from Brooklyn. In the chorus, Alicia Keys sings, “Concrete jungle where dreams are made of. There’s nothing you can’t do.” This describes the common outlook many people have of NYC as the city of dreams. Alicia Keys is a living testament to it, as she was born right in Hell’s Kitchen herself. The song is about NYC as a place for success and hope, describing the unique opportunities and people all in this one city.

I remember when this song first came out, even though I was only 10 years old. My whole family would sing along to it and blast it on the radio whenever it came on. I had that same mystical, fantasy outlook of NYC. It gave me hope and determination of all the things I could accomplish in the future.The song made me feel lucky and proud to be a New Yorker.