Category Announcements

brochure edges

Hey everyone, your brochures are now printed and at the desk at the honors program office. The printer here unfortunately cannot print edge to edge, which means that all your brochures have a very small white margin around the edges…. Continue Reading →

brochure printing

Hi everyone, Great looking brochures and videos today, everyone! You all did a great job with these and should be very proud. I will be printing these tomorrow from 12-2 during my office hours. If you would like to come… Continue Reading →

procedure for brochures

Hi everyone, I’m sure that many of you are putting the finishing touches on your brochures tonight — please be sure to upload them to the site using the form on the class page before tomorrow’s meeting. For printing: I… Continue Reading →


Hi everyone, I’ve updated the task list for next Tuesday, the 28th, to have you submit your brochure in advance. We will go over these in class on Tuesday and then I will print them and leave them in the… Continue Reading →

opera resources

Hi everyone, See below for a number of elements related to the opera. First, this is the full documentary on The Exterminating Angel featuring commentary from composer Thomas Adès. The singing begins around 48:20, but the entire thing is a good… Continue Reading →

featured images

Hi class, Just a quick note to remind you that you should be setting a “featured image” on your musician/painter/photographer posts. To do this, scroll all the way to the bottom right of the post screen and select “set featured… Continue Reading →

workshops for STEAM festival project

Hi everyone, In class, we mentioned how your Urban Art & Culture Guide assignment is going to become a brochure that you will show off at the Macaulay STEAM Festival on December 2-3. In order to make this brochure, your… Continue Reading →

bring Night at the Museum materials to class Tuesday (10/10)

Hi everyone, For this Tuesday, please bring your photos/video and audio recordings of your conversations to class, as we are going to do an iMovie demo in class. You can either bring these materials on your phones, or on your… Continue Reading →

student tickets to Met Opera

Hi everyone, I’m very excited to go to the opera with you all in a few weeks! As you know, our tickets are a free part of the Macaulay first year program. But, if you wanted to see Mozart’s Magic Flute,… Continue Reading →

free New Yorker festival tickets!

Hi everyone, Macaulay received an offer for free tickets to some of the New Yorker festival events. If you’re interested in any of these (they are typically a discussion between an artist/figure and a moderator), fill out the requisite info…. Continue Reading →

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