Men of the Green Isle

The Irish are a proud people, who for the majority scorn British rule over the Northern areas. Controversial British rule over the Northern region of the island gave birth to the Irish Republican Army, or IRA for short. The IRA is and was a group of Irishmen who strongly believe that the whole of Ireland should be its own sovereign state that did not have to answer to the United Kingdom. The British and IRA have battled for power for the majority of the 20th century, finally slowing down in the late 1990’s. Of course, there were times of relative peace on the island, but when one group began to prod at the other, all hell would break loose. Continue reading Men of the Green Isle

Immigration Narrative

My parents’ journey to America has been a story that has been told in my household a countless number of times but every time I find the tale more interesting than the last. My parents were both brought up in rural Bangladesh during a time of political turmoil. Bangladesh was fighting for its independence against their mother country of Pakistan and this revolution affected every citizen of the small country of Bangladesh in one-way or another. Tanks would roam the streets ready to put down any revolutionary sentiment. Continue reading Immigration Narrative

Coming from the Dominican Republic…

My extended family had already settled in the United States in the 1970’s prior to my parents immigrating. Many of my aunts and uncles had come with their families to either build businesses or to get a better education; basically the opportunities that most people come to America for. My father was the first person to come to the US. Continue reading Coming from the Dominican Republic…


I moved to New York from Texas in August and it’s been the most transformative experience of my life. I’ve fallen in love with the busy city, but I’m also homesick for the South. Before I moved, I felt very little connection to Texas; politically, religiously, I felt like an outsider. After I moved, however, I’ve felt a connection to the Lone Star State that previously would’ve made me roll my eyes and make a Rick Perry joke. Continue reading Texas

Maps Marker, Maps Marker, make me a map

(This tutorial draws from the Maps Marker tutorial of CCNY ITFs, Logan and John.)
Skip down to: Layers, Markers, Seeing Your Map, Your Last Memorable Slice, Examples.

Maps Marker is a WordPress plugin that allows you to create a map with marked points of interest. You’ll see a menu item called Maps Marker on the left-hand side of the Dashboard. If you hover over or click this item, you’ll see the full submenu for Maps Marker. Continue reading Maps Marker, Maps Marker, make me a map