Comment 4/2

I found it interesting that legislation was passed to improve tenement housing. Windows were required in each room,  outhouses and/or toilets had to be connected to sewer lines, the amount of people allowed to live in an apartment was limited, and other living improvements began taking place.These rules were set in order to make places like Five Points more bearable to live. However, despite these improvements, tenements remained dangerous, smelly, and all together unpleasant places to live.

Because of the Civil War, wages rose and people took the opportunity to leave their neighborhoods for a better life. However, because of the cheap nature of the tenements, people of course moved in and life resumed as usual, just with a new group of immigrants.

Our readings had to do with living standards as well as institutionalized racism. I know there’s no sparker, but I was wondering if anyone else had some thoughts about the long standing connection between the two in addition to what was in our readings and what we’ve mentioned in class.

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