Category Archives: Uncategorized

Spark 3/27

Sanjek discusses–in great depth–three past mayors of New York City: Ed Koch, David Dinkins, and Rudy Giuliani. Throughout all three of their careers each one increased, or at least sustained, the number of budget cuts employed. Though this can be … Continue reading

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Governmental Policy and Its Impact on Neighborhoods – Spark 3/27

This week’s readings (their occasional moments of nigh-lethal tediousness aside) contained a bombardment of information that I am still finding difficult to categorize and process. Nonetheless, since I have the privilege of being one of the sparkers this week, I … Continue reading

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How They Worked- Spark 3/20

“So great an amount of work for so little money” As angry Americans protested Latino workers standing on street corners in the documentary we watched last week, the hate was apparent. At first, the impression I got was that a … Continue reading

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Blog Spark 2/20

Coming to America is a dream filled with an opportunities for a better life. Arriving from Europe, immigrants expected a new life that would allow them to live a life better than which they ran away from. Although the immigrants … Continue reading

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Yvette Deane Spark: How They Lived 3-13-12

This week’s focus, as made evident from the reading, is how they lived. They lived in tenements and the housing condition was a major factor discussed by all three authors. Foner stated that three fourths of Manhattan residents lived in … Continue reading

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Elissa’s Spark for March 13 – How They Lived

Tenements, tenements, tenements. It is no doubt that I have read the word “tenement” at least a hundred times while reading Sanjek, Foner, and especially Anbinder. This week’s readings were focused on what type of living conditions the immigrants of … Continue reading

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Natasha’s Spark 3/4/12

When you think of immigrants coming to America, what image immediately pops into your head? For me, it is the stereotypical picture of the “tired, [the] poor, [the] huddled masses yearning to be free.” However, over the years, this has … Continue reading

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New Faces, Same Story (3.6.12 AllSpark)

Despite the distinct waves that have reached American soil, new modes of migrant transport, and novel reasons for relocation, little has changed regarding the American immigration story.  Since it’s colonial nascent, tides of Western Europeans, African Slaves, Southern and Eastern … Continue reading

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Spark – Annmarie Errico, Week of 2/28/12

Can you imagine what the world would be like if slavery in America didn’t last nearly as long as it did? Think of how much quicker whites and blacks and races in between would have reached racial equality, and how … Continue reading

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Spark for 2/28/12

It all started on April 17, 1524.  From the very beginning, when Captain Giovanni da Verrazano docked the Dauphine, we were already people filled with discriminatory tendencies and intolerance.  The irony of it all is that in All Nations Under … Continue reading

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