Living on Long Island is…

Like a sanctuary.
The place where I can always come back to,
The place where countless memories flood in,
As I set foot within this place.

Anything beyond this place,
This long island,
Is like a whole new world,
Beyond my wildest dreams.

But people tell me it’s dangerous out there,
Rampant with chaos, injustice, and disorder.
People fighting just to survive each day;
How can anyone live like that?

Deep down I know,
That my Dad is out there somewhere,
Fighting for his life and country,
Fighting for his family.

And one day I’ll fight alongside him,
We’ll fight together,
Protect each other.
Yeah, that’s what we’ll do.

But for now,
I think I’ll stay here on this long island,
My sanctuary,
The place I call home.

– Pun
I know this is extremely out of the blue, but this is a poem I wrote a while back in english class in high school. I think it can be interpreted in many different ways depending on the background of the reader. I’m curious to know what kind of thoughts this might instill for you guys, so feel free to let me know! It’s perfectly okay if you don’t like it, no hard feelings. 😀

One thought on “Living on Long Island is…

  1. Hi Pun,

    I thought this was a very moving poem. It somehow reminded me of The Great Gatsby, possibly because of that distinction that you seem to touch upon between Long Island and NYC (which is a concept that is highlighted well in the novel).
    For me, this poem just evokes images of a proud son, daydreaming about what lies out there in the world, beyond his “sanctuary” as you call it. He recognizes that he has lived somewhat sheltered, but finds comfort in this? That’s my analysis, but I’m not sure if that’s what you intended.

    Having tried to write poetry myself before (yes, mainly for school assignments, but still!), I really appreciate how well-crafted your poem is and I admire that you are proud enough to share it. Great job!


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