One thought on “Cool video – What is art “for”

  1. I think I do agree with much of what he says in the video, especially the last statement about art being a propaganda of sorts. The saying that the pen is mightier than the sword is what made it really stick out. If you think about the books written by George Orwell, they conveyed powerful and radical ideas about totalitarian government and the threats it poses to the people. Although it didn’t cause radical changes, it did shape popular culture and made the populace question government. The terms used in the book, especially Big Brother and the thought police can be seen now. A song by Muse, Resistance, is actually about the book.
    As for the other things mention in the video, I find that art does help you appreciate the little things in life and go against what consumerism ideology deems important. I find this a little strange however because when I think about art, I usually think about high society and high society tends to have the means to live life with much more than the “little things” in life.
    I did find the video quite interesting. Thanks for sharing!

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