Getting Started

I’m Chris Brandon, and I am the Instructional Technology Fellow (ITF) for this seminar one class taught by Professor Drabik at City College. In this space, everyone can make a post introducing her/himself. When you make your post, it will appear here when you select the category “About Us” from the right hand “Categories” menu.

So, without further ado…

I’m a PhD candidate at the Graduate Center, and I study French literature. In fact, I study poetry. I hated poetry…until I didn’t. I’m from a big family–the oldest of six kids.  I’m originally from Chicago, but I’ve lived in Minnesota, Colorado, the Navajo Reservation, New Orleans…

I’m a huge fan of sci-fi (major nerd points as if being a professional academic wasn’t enough!) and I’m toying around with writing a YA novel in my spare time.  I’m excited to Urs Schreiber: Das Epos der Maschinemeet everyone and to learn about you.  More information will be coming from me soon about how I can help you reach your goals in this seminar.

Feel free to curate your “about me” post with pictures, videos, music etc.

Here’s a song I’m enjoying today.