Dr. Edyta Greer, Macaulay Honors College, Fall 2017

Author: Zill Ratanji

Blog Entry 3

When we originally began the course, I was actually quite intimidated by the list of the assignments and due dates that were covered on the first day of class. However, as the course progressed, I quickly realized that the assignments were nothing like I had originally thought. I know I was especially nervous about the healthcare innovation that we were to create, but that turned out to be the best project! Although the amount of times we had to present in class got a bit tedious, I really liked the end result. At the STEAM fest, our class’ projects were definitely the highlight of all the projects being presented. Not only did some of the professional spectators enjoy out designs, but the students were also very much intrigued by them. Overall, I thought the STEAM festival was a really great experience to have and I learned quite a bit about the process of creating a healthcare innovation and 3-D printing.

BioBlitz was an event that, at first, I really did not like the sound of. I am not a fan of getting “touchy” with nature, especially dragonflies. When I was told that I was the dragonfly group, I was extremely disappointed and thought that the next couple hours of my day where going to nerve wracking. Surprisingly, it was the complete opposite! I never thought that I would ever hold a dragonfly in my life, let alone on my own will! It was probably one of the most satisfying experiences I’ve had.

All in all, I really think that course was very well organized with each of the assignments having a vital motive behind them!

Blog Entry 2- Thinking about Lab

I would say that the purpose of doing a lab in school is to be able to apply the scientific methods we learn and be able to see it being put to work in person. It also teaches one to be able to write a report based on the results of the lab to explain what the lab entailed, what the importance of the testing was, and what errors occurred to perhaps deviate the results. I think the fact that there is a set experiment with a set result is helpful in the learning process because it gives a student some guidance while doing the test with a clear end result that they are eager to reach. Moreover, I think labs are also quite important even if it isn’t really a non-specialist course like ours. Although it isn’t the center of the course, it is still crucial to be able to learn this vital skill that is part of the scientific world. I want to be able to properly follow directions and see the problems that could possibly arise during an experiment then finally understand how to solve such a problem on the spot. A “lab” in a non-science course like History would be about discussing events that occurred in history and explaining what was wrong about the course of action a person took in the situation and how they could have done it better. Then through a social experiment, they would follow through with it and see how people respond differently to that technique. Lastly, you cannot use standard English for a lab report because there are many terms that have different meanings in the scientific world that coincide with the jargon and so if a scientist were to read the lab report, they may get confused by the test if the wrong terms are used.

Annotated Bibliography-Braces Toothbrush

Popular source:

“What is the Best Toothbrush for Orthodontic Braces?” Ebraces.org. Accessed October 21, 2017.

The author is Ebraces.org, a government supported website that teaches people all about oral health, orthodontic insurance, braces, and how they affect your teeth. They have a team of writers who work together to provide the public with the best advice possible with everyone writing and reviewing every article that the website produces.

This article identified many different types of brushes and tools one can use, but there is no special toothbrush that is particularly made for braces. They mention that there are specialty brushes, but do not identify any characteristics of the brushes and push for using the many tools they mentioned. They even identify techniques to use the different tools for people who have braces. My group and I can possibly start our presentation off by identifying that there are many common tools that orthodontists recommend for people with braces, but there is no one tool that is tailored specifically for them.

Academic sources:

Maida, Carl A., Marvin Marcus., Ron D Hays, Ian D Coulter, Francisco Ramos-gomez, et al. 2015. “Child and adolescent perceptions of oral health over the life course.” Quality of Life Research 24, no. 11 (November): 2739-2751. Accessed October 21, 2017.

All the individuals included in the citation are part of Quality of Life Research, an international, multidisciplinary journal, that devotes itself to original research, theoretical articles, and methodological reports in the health sciences.

This scholarly article primarily focuses on the perceptions children and young adults have on different oral treatments. They mainly described how good oral health can increase the life of one’s teeth and quality of life, can enhance social relationships, and ways to maintain a positive attitude while getting these treatments done. This article pertains to my project because this it points out that once a patient gets braces, they must be willing to spend extra money to buy the various costly cleaning tools that are braces specific. This infers that there still is not a tool that is easier and makes the treatment less painful. They agree that dedication is required to properly clean one’s teeth with braces on, but there is no other way around it. With my group’s innovation, there would be a less painful and more efficient tool for young people to clean their braces with.

Lowery, Mark. 2016. “Through the teeth, over the gums: Pastes, whiteners, and more.” Drug Topics 160, no. 2 (Feb): 30-31. Accessed October 21, 2017.

Mark Lowery is an editor for Drug Topics magazine. He has written over 100 articles for the magazine. Drug Topics is a top-ranked pharmacy resource for community and health-system pharmacists that has been around since 1856. There are many credible authors within the organization who review each other’s articles before publishing to ensure quality work and maintain the magazine’s high reputation.

This article mainly focuses on the dental care of children between the ages of 14 and 17. It calls upon a few products in the market that could help children keep their teeth healthier and explains exactly how they could do so. This particular article is very useful for my specific healthcare innovation because it includes one product that many experts in the field recommend to their braces patients. The Kolibree toothbrush, designed for children with braces, is an electric toothbrush that helps a person brush easily, safely, and more gently around their brackets. They monitor and advise this through an app that the consumer would download from the app store. However, the shape of this toothbrush is just like any other toothbrush so it goes to show how the toothbrush my team and I are making is clearly the first of its kind with the focus on the physical design.

Ecteinascidia Turbinata

The common name for the Ecteinascidia Turbinata is the mangrove tunicate, a type of sea squirt species. They are primarily located throughout the Indian River Lagoon. This plant has an inflammatory molecule in its tissues that have proven to kill tumor cells and stop tumor growth. The same tissues have also suppressed allograft, tissue graft donated into the body of the same species, rejection. In animals, the tissues can activate the phagocytic system of shrimp, blue crabs, and fish. The sea squirt from the plant is also used to treat, and perhaps, cure certain types of cancer. The specific drug is called trabectedin.

Personal Healthcare Issue- Zill Ratanji

One healthcare issue that has recently affected my mother is the accumulation of excess fluid around her knees. For the past year, my mom has been suffering from excruciating pain in her knees due to the excess fluid. She visited many doctors and they all said that there is no permanent cure for this problem. One of the safest and most effective treatments is having the liquid taken out with a needle. So, she finally took their advice and had the liquid taken out 2 months ago. When she originally had the liquid taken out, the pain completely disappeared. However, now she has been gradually feeling increasing pains again and the doctors say that she has accumulated new liquid in her knees and needs to get the procedure done again.

Learning that she had to have to procedure done again annoyed me quite a bit because I know several people who have the same problem and there should be more research done to stop this liquid build up permanently or at least for a longer period of time. I personally believe that leg ligaments issues are being neglected because they are issues that are not as life threatening as other healthcare issues. However, the agony that it causes a person is a daily struggle and often handicaps them since they cannot walk. There should be more medical researchers focusing on leg ligaments and there should be more funding provided to them. In the long run, this would help reduce Medicaid costs since it prolongs their self-reliance and reduces the need for an aid.

Miracle Drug Blog Entry 1- Zill Ratanji

As I began reading the article I was worried that it would be almost incomprehensible for me in terms of jargon. However, as soon as I began, it caught my attention quite quickly. Galton was very wise to start the article off by depicting how this hormone, that is to be explained all throughout the article, has helped historically in such a significant way. It gives the reader a picture in their mind so they can easily identify with it. It also proves how Galton has a great deal of knowledge sense since he was able to hook the readers by identifying the most interesting use for this hormone in the human body. If Galton hadn’t incorporated the example of using prostaglandins in inducing labor, I don’t think I would have been nearly as excited about reading the rest of the article.

Looking at the article and how it was written, as a whole, I really appreciated the manner Galton chose to convey the information: narrative form. Going through the history of prostaglandin then proceeding with how it was later manipulated to work in many different ways for the body, I felt like I learned the whole history, background, and all the functions, in such a short article, in and out. Even the way he phrased the content of the article, as if some sci-fi mystery was being solved, it kept me engaged all throughout. One clear example is, “As investigators have worked with increased supplies, they have been able to resolve a number of seemingly unrelated mysteries.” Then by using bold statements like “Even the reason for the high concentration of prostaglandins in human semen-as much as 100 times greater than anywhere else in the body-remains a mystery,” it shows Galton’s data and number sense and his well-rounded knowledge, not only on prostaglandin, but on all the elements that are working with it as well.

All in all, I found the article to be pretty informative and an enjoyable read. I am usually not fond of reading science related articles, but this one managed to capture my attention very well. I also learned quite a bit about how prostaglandins work and the uses of them in the body and was amazed by how versatile one hormone could be. I would probably recommend this article to someone who enjoys expanding their realm of knowledge in the medical field.

EpiPen Paraphrase- Zill Ratanji

A major problem that school nurses encounter is doctors advising young patients with the wrong emergency medical treatment that do not comply with their “current school district and the American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology guidelines.” This lack of immediate and proper treatment poses dangers for the patient, perhaps even causing anaphylaxis. As a result, school nurses are unable to do their job efficiently and face complications that can be easily avoided if doctors treated the patients correctly the first time. (Wahl et al. 2015, 97).

New Skin Lightening Procedure

Popular Article:

A New Skin Lightening Procedure Is Short on Evidence

Pattani, Aneri. 2017. “A New Skin Lightening Procedure Is Short on Evidence.” The New York Times (August 28). Accessed August 31, 2017.

Primary Source:

Glutathione as a skin whitening agent: Facts, myths, evidence and controversies

Sonthalia, Sidharth, Deepashree Daulatabad, and Rashmi Sarkar. 2016. “Glutathione as a skin whitening agent: Facts, myths, evidence and controversies.” Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology 82, no. 3 (April 6): 262-72. Accessed August 31, 2017. doi:10.4103/0378-6323.179088.