
Jun 29

1 day left. It’s finally here!!!

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More to come!!! Lilach 10

Jun 26

So what does one do on the last day in their home town of BK before leaving for 4 months?!? Go to the apple store of course! I had a surprisingly emotional time walking through manhattan with my Mom and Dad, realizing that I will not be seeing the exciting hustle and bustle of trying […]

Jun 23

I can’t believe it’s in five days! In just five days I’ll be going to Australia for a four-month study-abroad adventure. And I can’t help but be excited about the silliest things and nervous about the least consequential things as well. Like seeing the international terminal in JFK that I’ve never been to and who […]

Jun 18

My Favorite…Season: Summer/Winter

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Summer Fun I love summer, but I also love winter. Wait, I think that means I don’t actually have a preference…or that I just make the best of the weather, whatever it is Either way, it’s summer in the northern Hemisphere, and winter in AUSTRALIA!! So I am just savoring the weather while I’m here, […]

Jun 14

What will be the future of technology? 9

Jun 05

UpJUNE (Update)

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Here’s a quick update on AUStralia related plans. Also, It’s my birthday today! YAY! L 8

May 04

Welcome to a renewed season of sun-shining, flower-blooming and a whole lot of loud sneezing! Allergies are back, but that won’t stop me from enjoying the return of my favorite flower- Lilacs! Can you guess why? Enjoy, Lilach 7

Apr 29

Where in the world???

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I found this cool little embed-able map that you can use to show where in the world you’ve been. I’m proud and super grateful that I can say I’ve been to more than a few places around the world, mostly in a stroller and no memories to speak of, but hey it still counts, doesn’t […]

Apr 24

Giggles @ the Guggenheim Museum

Posted in Family Fun!, Fun!, Museums, Observations->Philosophical Thoughts, Comments Off on Giggles @ the Guggenheim Museum

I’ve been meaning to make a day-trip out to the Guggenheim museum for a while now. Given the vacation days (and my oft-professed love of all things Manhattan) my parents and I made our way to the beautiful building. We didn’t know what to expect in the way of what type of art would be […]

Apr 24

Grand Station Terminal Tour (FREE!!!)

Posted in Family Fun!, Observations->Philosophical Thoughts, Comments Off on Grand Station Terminal Tour (FREE!!!)

“What to do in NYC for free?” has seen the white of my google search bar. Even without a clear destination, my family and I love riding the train into the city and seeing all the tall buildings towering above our heads and into the blue sky. Just walking around and seeing the multitudes of […]

Apr 17

My First… Conference!

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This past Friday, I presented the project I am assisting with that is studying Emergent Literacy in Bilingual Hebrew/English Preschoolers in the Cuny Graduate Center. The Student Research Poster Day in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences was so enlightening; I enjoyed hearing other students and professors present their research and I got a sense of the scope that […]

Apr 13

This is what happens when you minor in linguistics while majoring in an anatomy-heavy subject like Speech Pathology and Audiology! You go crazy!!! Hope you learn something new…It’ll only take a minute. 9

Apr 10

JFEW Spring Retreat

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As part of being a JFEW Scholar, I went to the JFEW Spring Retreat today in the Thirteen Studio at Lincoln Center. It was a real treat! I enjoyed hearing all the guest speakers and was happy to see the scholars from the other campuses again. Starting off the day with Michelle Ward’s coaching served […]

Mar 29

As per my perpetual thought process about ‘studying abroad’ in my own home and loving New York as a prerequisite of enjoying actually being abroad–enjoy this latest video. Following the youtube tradition of famous vloggers, such as the vlogbrothers, charlieissocoollike and elmify, enjoy this thoughts from places series video. Union Square-Macy’s Flower Show-walking around! Lilach […]

Mar 18

Happy Purim! Baking Tutorial

Posted in An Hour In A Minute, Fun!, Holidays!, Comments Off on Happy Purim! Baking Tutorial

Hey! One of my favorite holidays is coming right up-PURIM! I made a tutorial video on how to make hamantashen, the traditional pastry. Yummy! 9

Feb 01

In a previous post, I spoke about my incredible fascination with phonetics. I made a few tutorials using a method that some youtubers such as Josh Sundquist and Vi Hart use. Enjoy this little presentation about the basics of phonetics, of course condensing many hours of studying into mere minutes. A big thank-you goes out […]

My AUSome Trip