Poverty in the World

There are currently 7.8 billion people in this rapidly growing world. This uncontrollable growth in population has put great stress on the global food supply. Even developed countries like the United States has seen the effects of a limited food supply but many people in first world countries do not reach the point of starvation […]

Hold Tight and Don’t Panic

In August 2015, the Shanghai Stock Exchange experienced its worst crash in almost a decade. Trillions were eviscerated, which caused a massive drop in value for some of the richest investors and companies in China and sent shock waves around the world. In the final weeks of December 2015, the United States Federal Reserve (the […]

A Million and One Players

On November 24, a Russian fighter jet was shot down by Turkish forces. On November 13, a coordinated attack by ISIS agents in Paris killed over 130 people. On October 31, a Russian civilian airliner flying over the Sinai Peninsula to Moscow was downed, killing 224 passengers and crew. These events are disturbing symptoms of […]